統測歷屆試題 / 96試題詳解(遠東版)







( C ) 1.   My friend’s five-year-old daughter can speak Taiwanese, English, Japanese, and French. It is amazing.

(A) shining                  (B) confusing              (C) surprising                (D) boring


(A) 閃亮的               (B) 令人困惑的       (C) 令人驚訝的         (D) 令人厭煩的

【解析】five-year-old 為複合形容詞,修飾名詞 daughter

à a thirty-story building 三十層樓的建築物


( B ) 2.   Here are the golden rules for beautiful skin: keep it clean, don’t smoke, and stay out of the sun.

(A) colorful                 (B) important              (C) pleasant                  (D) metal


(A) 多采多姿的       (B) 重要的               (C) 愉悅的                 (D) 金屬的

【解析】此句為倒裝句,主詞 golden rules 為複數,所以Be動詞是 are

keep it clean it 即指 skin(皮膚)。


( B ) 3.   When the Smiths went on vacation last summer, they stayed in a luxurious, richly decorated hotel.

(A) cheap                   (B) expensive             (C) humble                   (D) plain


(A) 廉價的               (B) 昂貴的               (C) 簡陋的                 (D) 樸素的

【解析】go on vacation 去度假                              richly 豪華地;富麗地

decorate 裝飾


( A ) 4.   Mike is a machine operator. His life in the factory is so dull that he often sings to entertain himself.

(A) uninteresting         (B) professional          (C) challenging              (D) charming


(A) 無趣的               (B) 專業的               (C) 有挑戰性的         (D) 迷人的

【解析】operator 操作員                                       so adj. that … 如此地……以致於……

entertain 娛樂;使快樂


( B ) 5.   Very often we hide our feelings so as not to hurt others.

(A) do not understand (B) do not show         (C) disturb                    (D) express


(A) 不了解               (B) 不顯示               (C) 干擾                       (D) 表達

【解析】so as not to V = in order not to V 為了不要……

à so as to V = in order to V 為了要……


( B ) 6.   You have to bring your own shopping bags now because the supermarkets no longer supply them.

(A) construct              (B) provide                 (C) need                       (D) limit


(A) 建設                   (B) 提供                   (C) 需要                     (D) 限制

【解析】no longer = not … any longer 不再;再也不


( D ) 7.   Tension and anxiety at test time may cause students to forget what they have read.

(A) honesty                (B) traffic                    (C) noise                      (D) worry


(A) 誠實                   (B) 交通                   (C) 噪音                     (D) 擔心

【解析】tension 緊張(狀態)                              cause sb./sth. to V 使人∕物做……


( C ) 8.   A model’s job is to make a product exciting and appealing so the public will want to buy it.

(A) negative                (B) extensive              (C) attractive                (D) inactive


(A) 負面的               (B) 廣大的               (C) 吸引人的             (D) 不活動的

【解析】model 模特兒                                           product 產品

public 大眾


( B ) 9.   As an international language, English allows people of different countries to converse in a common language.

(A) prescribe              (B) communicate        (C) plan                        (D) manage


(A) 規定                   (B) 溝通                   (C) 計畫                     (D) 管理

【解析】國際語言 (an international language) 即英語 (English) 的同位語。

allow sb./sth. to V 允許某人做……;讓某物會……

common 共通的;共同的


( C ) 10. The course is primarily designed to improve students’ English writing ability.

(A) willingly                (B) eagerly                 (C) mainly                    (D) skillfully


(A) 願意地               (B) 熱切地               (C) 主要地                 (D) 有技巧地

【解析】be designed to V 計畫做……;打算做……

improve 改良;改善


( B ) 11. Learning the basic pronunciation ________ helps students spell English words more easily.

(A) principals              (B) principles              (C) rulers                      (D) symptoms


(A) 校長                   (B) 原則                   (C) 統治者                 (D) 症狀

【解析】pronunciation 發音  help sb. (to) V 有助於某人做……


( A ) 12. It is a long ________ for many birds that live near the Bering Sea to fly from their feeding grounds to the Kenting National Park.

(A) journey                 (B) hike                      (C) system                    (D) drive


(A) 旅程                   (B) 健行                   (C) 系統                     (D) 車程

【解析】that引導的形容詞子句 (that live near the Bering Sea) 修飾先行詞birdsthat為子句的主詞,不可省略。

feeding 供食的;供給飼料的


( D ) 13. We should ________ the importance of recycling because of the limited resources on Earth.

(A) relax                     (B) attack                   (C) reduce                    (D) emphasize


(A) 放鬆                   (B) 攻擊                   (C) 降低                     (D) 強調

【解析】recycling 廢棄物回收                               limited 有限的

resource 資源


( B ) 14. Nowadays, there is a lot of pressure on high school students to ________ very good exam results in order to enter national universities.

(A) fill                         (B) obtain                   (C) insist                       (D) decide


(A) 填滿                   (B) 獲得                   (C) 堅持                     (D) 決定

【解析】nowadays 現今                                         pressure 壓力

in order to 為了


( B ) 15. Taking regular vacations is necessary for those who ________ too much on work.

(A) complicate            (B) concentrate           (C) contain                   (D) consist


(A) 使複雜               (B) 集中                   (C) 包含                     (D) 組成

【解析】regular 規律的;定期的

句型可改寫為:It is necessary + for sb. + to V

à It is necessary for those who concentrate too much on work to take regular vacations.





( D ) 16. Dexter: What do you think of this painting?

Max: It’s terrible.

Dexter: ____________ I think it’s beautiful.

Max: Hmm.

(A) I also like it.          (B) Exactly.                (C) I’m afraid so.          (D) I disagree.



德克斯特:____________ 我覺得很漂亮。


(A) 我也喜歡它。   (B) 沒錯。               (C) 恐怕如此。         (D) 我不同意。


disagree 不贊成;不同意


( C ) 17. Customer: Good morning. ____________

Teller: Sure. How much do you want to take out?

Customer: Three thousand dollars, please.

(A) I’d like to make a deposit.                      (B) I’d like to see your manager.

(C) I’d like to withdraw some money.           (D) I’d like to open an account.




(A) 我想要存款。                                     (B) 我想要見你們經理。

(C) 我想要領一點錢出來。                     (D) 我想要開戶。

【解析】take out 取出;拿出

deposit 存款  à make a deposit of + 金額  存入(多少)錢

withdraw 提取;取回                              account 戶頭;帳戶


( B ) 18. Man: Excuse me. ____________

Woman: Sure. It’s a quarter to eight.

Man: Thanks.

(A) What day is it today?

(B) Do you have the time?

(C) How long does it take to get to Taichung?

(D) Do you know how much a ticket to Taichung costs?




(A) 今天星期幾?

(B) 請問你知道現在幾點嗎?

(C) 到台中要花多久時間?

(D) 你知道到台中一張票要多少錢嗎?

【解析】Do you have the time? 現在幾點鐘?  à Do you have time? 你有空嗎?

quarter 為四分之一,一小時的四分之一,即十五分鐘或一刻鐘。


( A ) 19. Simon: How did you spend your weekend?

Lucy: I went to a movie. ____________

Simon: I went fishing.

(A) How about you?                                     (B) How are you?

(C) How come?                                           (D) How do you like it?




(A) 你呢?                                                 (B) 你好嗎?

(C) 怎麼會呢?                                         (D) 你覺得怎麼樣?

【解析】spend + 一段時間  度過這段時間        go + V-ing 去做……


( C ) 20. Roger: When did you come to this country?

Wen-hua: ____________

Roger: I asked when you came to this country.

Wen-hua: Oh, I see. I came here two years ago.

(A) Couldn’t be better.                                 (B) Beat it!

(C) Pardon me?                                            (D) Take it or leave it.





(A) 再好不過了。                                     (B) 滾開!

(C) 對不起,請再說一遍?                     (D) 要就接受,不要就拉倒。

【解析】see 明白;了解  à I see what you mean. 我懂你的意思了。


( A ) 21. Brenda: It’s time for dinner now.

David: I know, but ____________

Brenda: Come on, you can’t work well when you are hungry.

(A) I still have plenty of work to do.

(B) I am full.

(C) I’m leaving for Joe’s birthday party in a minute.

(D) I don’t eat in the morning.


大衛:我知道,但是 ____________


(A) 我還有很多工作要做。

(B) 我飽了。

(C) 我馬上要去參加喬的生日派對。

(D) 我早上不吃東西。

【解析】表懇求、催促、勸說、阻止等接近 please 之意,可用口語的 come on 表示,相當於「拜託」、「走吧」、「得了吧」、「別……」。

in a minute 並非一分鐘,而是「立刻」;「馬上」。


( D ) 22. Gilbert: You look down. ____________

Peter: Oh, I feel like it’s the end of the world. I did poorly in the interview this morning.

Gilbert: Don’t worry. You’ll do better next time.

(A) How do you do?                                    (B) Would you do me a favor?

(C) What’s in the water?                               (D) What’s wrong?




(A) (首次見面的問候語)你好嗎?     (B) 你能不能幫我一個忙?

(C) 水裡有什麼?                                     (D) 怎麼啦?

【解析】down 意志消沈的;無精打采的            interview (應徵等的)面談

do sb. a favor 幫某人忙


( C ) 23. Roger: Here we are. This is Chung-ming’s house.

Ted: Should we take off our shoes before we get in?

Roger: This is Taiwan, and as you know, “When in Rome, do as Romans do.”

Ted: Right. We should ____________

(A) go to Rome.                                           (B) follow Chung-ming home.

(C) follow Taiwanese customs.                      (D) go to the shoe store.




泰德:你說的對,我們應該 ____________

(A) 去羅馬。                                             (B) 跟著忠明回家。

(C) 遵照台灣人的習俗。                         (D) 去鞋店。

【解析】take off 脫下(衣、帽、鞋)                 get in 進入裡面

When in Rome (do as the Romans do). 【諺】入境隨俗

custom 風俗習慣


( A ) 24. Tony: Do you like music?

Anne: Yes, very much.

Tony: Me too! Would you go to the concert with me this evening?

Anne: Of course. ____________

(A) It’s my pleasure                                      (B) You’re welcome.

(C) That’s a pity.                                           (D) Don’t mention it.





(A) 這是我的榮幸。                                 (B) 不客氣。

(C) 真可惜。                                             (D) 別客氣。

【解析】concert 音樂會;演唱會                         pleasure 榮幸;光榮

pity 遺憾的事;可惜的事


( D ) 25. Adam: How are you today?

Jack: Fine. And you?

Adam: Not too good. My grandfather is very sick in the hospital.

Jack: ____________

(A) Please accept my apology.                      (B) Well done.

(C) Have a nice day.                                     (D) I’m sorry to hear that.





(A) 請接受我的道歉。                             (B) 做得好。

(C) 祝你有愉快的一天。                         (D) 聽到這個消息我很遺憾。

【解析】apology 道歉  à 在此情境下,選項 (D) sorry應作「感到遺憾的」解釋。





Formosan Green Island, though small, attracts tourists because of its natural beauty. The island is, in fact, one of the many little volcanic islands in the northern Pacific Ocean. To be more specific, it is __26__ 33 kilometers southeast of Taitung, a county in the southeastern part of Taiwan. Green Island is 15 square kilometers __27__ area. Its coastline is only 20 kilometers long, and the tallest mountain is 281 meters __28__.

The seas around Green Island are abundant with __29__ 200 different species of colorful coral. In addition, over 300 varieties of fish can be found in its neighboring seas all year round. Both coral and fish allow businessmen on the island __30__ much money from scuba diving each year. Green Island is also famous for its natural saltwater hot springs. The springs __31__ naturally by volcanic activity deep underground. Many tourists are attracted to the hot-spring pools on the island __32__ because the pools are free to the public but also because in the pools they can enjoy the feeling of being close to nature.





volcanic 火山的                                                Pacific Ocean 太平洋

square kilometer 平方公里                               coastline 海岸線

abundant 豐富的;富有……的                      species(動植物的)種

coral 珊瑚                                                         neighboring 附近的;鄰近的

scuba diving 用水肺潛水                                  hot spring 溫泉


( A ) 26. (A) located                 (B) transported           (C) gathered                 (D) drowned

【解析】(A) 位於……         (B) 運輸,運送       (C) 聚集                     (D) 淹沒,溺斃

前句說明綠島位在太平洋上,本句更具體 (to be more specific) 指出其所在的位置。


( B ) 27. (A) on                        (B) in                          (C) into                        (D) over


à 100 square miles in area 面積一百平方哩


( D ) 28. (A) height                   (B) highest                  (C) higher                     (D) high

【解析】(A) 高度                 (B) 最高的               (C) 更高的                 (D) 高的

主詞補語應為形容詞,修飾mountain,又從前句的20 kilometers longlong為形容詞原形得知,本選項也須選擇原形。


( C ) 29. (A) so many               (B) lots of                   (C) more than               (D) such as

【解析】(A) 如此多的         (B) 許多的               (C) 超過                     (D) 例如

more than + 數量」指比此數量更多。


( B ) 30. (A) earn                     (B) to earn                  (C) earning                   (D) earned

【解析】allow + sb. + to V  允許某人做……;讓某人做……


( C ) 31. (A) are to be heated   (B) been heated          (C) are heated              (D) heated

【解析】透過火山活動,溫泉「被加熱」,故應使用被動語態S + be p.p. + by O


( C ) 32. (A) such that               (B) in spite of              (C) not only                  (D) so that

【解析】(A) 如此以致         (B) 儘管                   (C) 不僅                     (D) 以便於

由文意及本句的 but also 推斷應選 (C)

not only A but also B  不但A,而且BA B 的字詞應一致。



Have you ever said sorry even though you were not in the wrong? Sometimes people have to apologize in situations where they are not personally __33__ fault. This is very common in the workplace __34__ employees often have to handle customers’ complaints. In __35__ complaints, the employee can save face or preserve the reputation of his or her company by making apologies. If the employee gets angry or denies __36__, both the employer and the employee can lose face.

The concept of __37__ is extremely important in Asian cultures. It includes making apologies, rules about accepting responsibility, showing modesty, and using __38__ language forms in social interaction. If a person __39__ these rules, he or she can lose face, and in turn lose the respect of __40__. This is quite a serious matter, especially where business is concerned.





in the wrong 錯誤的;壞的                              apologize 道歉;認錯

employee 職員;員工                                      handle 處理;處置

complaint 抱怨,發牢騷                                  preserve 保留;維持

reputation 名聲;名譽                                     concept 概念;想法

extremely 非常;極                                          modesty 謙遜;謙虛

interaction 互動                                                 concerned 有關的


( C ) 33. (A) for                        (B) on                        (C) at                           (D) by

【解析】at fault 有過錯的;有過失的


( D ) 34. (A) how                     (B) what                     (C) why                        (D) where

【解析】(A) 如何                 (B) 什麼                   (C) 為什麼                 (D) 那裡

workplace「工作場所」係指地點,故應以地方副詞 where 引導關係子句。


( B ) 35. (A) going after            (B) dealing with          (C) breaking up with     (D) chasing after

【解析】(A) 追求                 (B) 處理;應付       (C) 與……分手         (D) 追趕

前句動詞 handle 即表「處理」,在本句為不重複用字,以同義片語替換。


( B ) 36. (A) impossibility          (B) responsibility         (C) opportunity             (D) personality

【解析】(A) 不可能             (B) 責任                   (C) 機會                     (D) 個性



( A ) 37. (A) saving face           (B) making complaints     (C) ignoring protests     (D) finding fault

【解析】(A) 保全顏面         (B) 抱怨                   (C) 不理會抗議         (D) 挑毛病

上一句即已指出員工向客戶認錯,可為公司挽回名譽 (… the employee can save face or preserve the reputation of his or her company by making apologies.),而本句又繼續說明「保住顏面」的觀念在亞洲文化十分重要。


( A ) 38. (A) proper                  (B) rude                     (C) incomplete              (D) offensive

【解析】(A) 適當的             (B) 不禮貌的           (C) 不完整的             (D) 觸怒人的



( C ) 39. (A) follows                 (B) passes                  (C) breaks                    (D) teaches

【解析】(A) 遵守,遵循     (B) 傳遞,通過       (C) 打破,違反         (D) 教導

follow/obey/observe the rules 遵守規定

break the rules 違反規定


( D ) 40. (A) the other               (B) other                    (C) another                   (D) others

【解析】「AB」可寫為:A’s Bthe B of AAB皆為名詞。故本題可寫為 “… lose others’ respect” “… lose the respect of others”other為人稱代名詞,指「其他人」,因是複數,故為others (= other people)





How diversified are you when it comes to choosing friends? I asked myself this question recently and found out that I really enjoy making and being with various kinds of friends. I am happy that I have friends who have children. I also enjoy the company of friends who do not have “human” kids but rather “pet” kids such as dogs, cats, and pigs. Most importantly, I have the best kind of friends: the understanding kind. You know this type of friends. They are the ones who, once you pick up the phone to call and say hello, actually are glad to hear from you and do not hint at being upset that they have not heard from you in a while. They are the kind of friends whom you can always turn to in times of need or trouble. These folks are invaluable and I truly appreciate their support. To sum up, I love the diversity of my friendships. Different friends may bring you different experiences. They all add up to a wonderful part of your life.




diversified 多變化的,形形色色的                 company 陪伴;伴隨

rather 反之;相反地                                       hear from sb. 得到某人的音訊

hint 暗示                                                           turn to sb. 請求某人;依賴某人

folks 人們                                                         invaluable 無價的

appreciate 感激;感謝                                    support 支持;支援

diversity 不同;差異                                        add up to 等於;總之就是


( D ) 41. This passage is mainly about __________.

(A) making phone calls to friends

(B) conversations between friends

(C) the best kind of friends at school

(D) enjoying different kinds of friendship

本文主旨為 __________

(A) 打電話給朋友

(B) 朋友之間的談話

(C) 學校裡最棒的朋友類型

(D) 享受不同種類的友誼

【解析】作者在本文第二句談到他喜歡結交各種朋友 (… I really enjoy making and being with various kinds of friends.),又在文章結尾重申他喜歡形形色色的朋友帶給他的友誼 (… I love the diversity of my friendships.)


( A ) 42. The last three sentences of the passage suggest that the diversity of friendships __________.

(A) enriches our lives                                    (B) confuses us

(C) takes up too much of our time                 (D) makes it difficult to choose a pet

本文最後三句暗示各種不同類型的朋友 __________

(A) 豐富我們的人生                                 (B) 讓我們困惑

(C) 佔用我們太多時間                             (D) 讓選寵物變得困難

【解析】本文最後以「朋友讓人生更豐富」 (They all add up to a wonderful part of your life.) 作總結。


( B ) 43. According to the passage, friends of the “understanding kind” __________.

(A) do not have kids                                     (B) encourage you all the way

(C) make complaints all the time                    (D) do not listen to you

根據本文,「善解人意」的朋友 __________

(A) 沒有小孩                                             (B) 一路鼓勵你

(C) 隨時都在抱怨                                     (D) 不會傾聽你的話

【解析】作者認為「善解人意」的友人是他的最佳朋友 (… I have the best kind of friends: the understanding kind.),並感謝這些人給予的支持 (These folks are invaluable and I truly appreciate their support.)


( A ) 44. In line 10, the word “diversity” most likely means __________.

(A) variety                  (B) similarity               (C) possibility               (D) hospitality

在第十行中,diversity 這個字最有可能的意思是 __________

(A) 多樣性               (B) 類似                   (C) 可能性                 (D) 殷勤款待

【解析】下一句說明「不同的朋友會帶來不同的人生體驗」(Different friends may bring you different experiences.),由句中的 different 判斷應選 (A)


( C ) 45. According to the passage, people with “pet” kids __________.

(A) do not like friends                                   (B) are not happy

(C) enjoy the company of animals                 (D) are too busy to answer the phone

根據本文,有「寵物」孩子的人 __________

(A) 不喜歡朋友                                         (B) 不快樂

(C) 喜歡動物陪伴                                     (D) 太忙所以沒時間接電話

【解析】文中提到那些沒有生小孩的朋友,寧可選擇寵物當小孩 (… friends who do not have “human” kids but rather “pet” kids such as dogs, cats, and pigs.)



Nowadays millions of people watch their weight because they realize it is not healthy in most cases to be too fat. So they “count calories.” This means they find out how many calories different foods produce and try to keep the calories down. But after all, what is a calorie? The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius (1°C) is called one gram calorie. Different foods provide different amounts of calories. One gram of protein, for instance, contains four calories, and one gram of fat contains nine calories. The human body turns consumed calories into the energy it needs. It does not care where it gets its calories as long as it gets enough to keep functioning. How many calories does the body need? It is estimated that an average adult needs somewhere between 2,000 and 3,000 calories per day, depending on the work the person does. What happens if a person takes in more calories than he or she needs? Well, the food is not burned off to produce the energy the body needs but is transformed into fat instead! That is the reason why many people are now “counting calories.”




watch 注意;留意                                           calorie 卡路里(熱量單位)

keep … down 限制……;不提高……          Celsius 攝氏

protein 蛋白質                                                  contain 包含

turn A into B A轉換為B                             consume 消耗

function 起作用;運轉                                    estimate 估計;推算

transform 轉換


( D ) 46. The above passage MOST likely appears in a __________.

(A) personal diary       (B) travel guide           (C) weather report        (D) health magazine

上面這篇短文最可能會出現在 __________

(A) 個人日記           (B) 旅遊指南           (C) 氣象報告             (D) 健康雜誌

【解析】此篇文章為論說文,不可能是個人日記的內容,且綜觀全文,完全沒有旅遊相關用字,故 (A)(B) 錯誤。雖然文章出現過攝氏一度 (one degree Celsius) 的用字,但卻是在解釋「卡路里」的定義時提到,因此 (C) 錯誤,只有 (D) 是正確選項。


( D ) 47. In line 8, the word “It” refers to __________.

(A) work                    (B) energy                  (C) food                       (D) the body

在第八行中,It 一字是指 __________

(A) 工作                   (B) 能量                   (C) 食物                     (D) 身體

【解析】本句的主詞就是代名詞it,且從本句當中找不到任何線索,便看前句The human body turns consumed calories into the energy it needs.,由此句的代名詞 it 代替前述的 the human body 得知答案。


( C ) 48. According to the above passage, the amount of calories the body requires depends mainly on __________.

(A) where we live       (B) our gender            (C) our job                   (D) how we cook

根據上面這篇短文,身體所需的卡路里量主要視 __________ 而定。

(A) 居住所在地       (B) 我們的性別       (C) 我們的工作         (D) 我們如何烹調

【解析】成年人平均每天需要的卡路里量約在二到三千之間 (… an average adult needs somewhere between 2,000 and 3,000 calories per day …),視個人從事的工作而定 (… depending on the work the person does.)


( A ) 49. According to the above passage, which of the following is TRUE?

(A) One gram of fat contains more calories than one gram of protein does.

(B) Extra calories are immediately turned into the energy we need.

(C) People are counting calories because they want to raise water temperatures.

(D) The amount of calories we take in does not influence our weight.


(A) 一公克的脂肪比一公克的蛋白質含有更多的卡路里。

(B) 多餘的卡路里會立刻轉化成我們需要的能量。

(C) 人們計算卡路里是因為他們想要提高水溫。

(D) 我們所攝取的卡路里量並不會影響我們的體重。

【解析】一公克的蛋白質包含四個卡路里,而同樣重量的脂肪則含有九個卡路里 (One gram of protein, for instance, contains four calories, and one gram of fat contains nine calories.)


( B ) 50. In line 13, the word “transformed” is closest in meaning to __________.

(A) carefully introduced                                (B) completely changed

(C) immediately thrown                                 (D) repeatedly searched

在第十三行中,“transformed”(轉變)這個字的意思最接近 __________

(A) 仔細介紹的                                         (B) 完全改變的

(C) 被立即丟掉的                                     (D) 重複搜尋的

【解析】身體所需的能量要靠燃燒食物來供應,而沒有被燃燒到的多餘食物,則會被「轉變」為脂肪 (… the food is not burned off to produce the energy the body needs but is transformed into fat …),因此正確答案為 (B)


