統測歷屆試題 / 97試題詳解(遠東版)





I.、字彙測驗:第1-10 題,每題均有一個劃底線的字,請在四個選項中,選出一個與劃底線的字意義最接近的答案。第11-15題,請選擇一個最適當的答案,以完成該句。


( D ) 1.   If you want to buy some food, you’d better hurry. The store will be closed in ten minutes.

(A) tremble                 (B) hurt                      (C) vanish                     (D) rush


(A) 發抖                   (B) 使受傷               (C) 消失                     (D) 匆忙地行進

【解析】had better + V 最好做……

in ten minutes 十分鐘之後 à(未來式)in + 時間 (多久……)之後


( C ) 2.   Overweight, we are advised to pay close attention to our daily diet.

(A) liked                     (B) related                  (C) suggested               (D) treated


(A) 喜歡                   (B) 與……有關       (C) 建議                     (D) 款待

【解析】pay attention to 留意;注意


( A ) 3.   Research has shown that loneliness is harmful to health.

(A) bad                      (B) deep                     (C) free                        (D) heavy


(A) 不好的               (B) 深深的               (C) 自由的                 (D) 沉重的

【解析】research + show/suggest/indicate + that子句  研究顯示∕暗示∕表示……

be harmful to 有害於……的


( C ) 4.   The coach was proud because his basketball team won the championship.

(A) absent                  (B) famous                 (C) pleased                  (D) worried


(A) 缺席的               (B) 有名的               (C) 高興的                 (D) 擔心的

【解析】proud 自豪的;感到光榮的                   championship 冠軍地位


( A ) 5.   The tropical weather in Taiwan makes it possible to grow various types of fruits such as watermelons, bananas, and pineapples.

(A) different                (B) whole                   (C) general                   (D) special


(A) 不同的               (B) 完整的               (C) 一般的                 (D) 特殊的

【解析】make it possible + to V… 「使做……成為可能的」,it 指的是 to V 那件事。


( A ) 6.   Because of the heavy rain, Mr. Johnson drove down the hill very slowly and cautiously.

(A) carefully               (B) naturally                (C) quickly                   (D) entirely


(A) 小心地               (B) 自然地               (C) 很快地                 (D) 完整地

【解析】because of + N / because + 子句  因為……


( C ) 7.   The most frequently used service on the Internet is electronic mail (e-mail), which is fast and convenient.

(A) easily                    (B) recently                (C) commonly              (D) possibly


(A) 容易地               (B) 最近地               (C) 普遍地                 (D) 有可能地

【解析】which 指主要子句的 electronic mail (e-mail),即電子郵件,為非限定子句,補充敘述先行詞 e-mail


( A ) 8.   Some people prefer to follow a predictable pattern in their life: school, then marriage and children.

(A) design                  (B) turn                      (C) rate                        (D) review


(A) 計畫                   (B) 輪流                   (C) 比率                     (D) 回顧

【解析】prefer + to V 比較喜歡做……                predictable pattern 可預測的模式


( B ) 9.   Greenpeace, which aims to protect the environment, is an international institution.

(A) alternative             (B) organization          (C) expansion               (D) invention


(A) 另外選擇           (B) 組織                   (C) 擴張                     (D) 發明


aim to 目的在於……,志在……


( A ) 10. The player’s outstanding performance won him a gold medal in the Olympic Games.

(A) excellent               (B) proper                  (C) accidental               (D) allergic


(A) 傑出的               (B) 適當的               (C) 意外的                 (D) 過敏的

【解析】win sb. sth. 為某人贏得某物;使某人獲得某物


( D ) 11. With the population ________ day by day, more and more space is needed for public activities.

(A) observing             (B) attracting              (C) examining               (D) increasing


(A) 觀察                   (B) 吸引                   (C) 檢查                     (D) 增加

【解析】day by day 每天;日日                           more and more 愈來愈多


( A ) 12. Many Allied airmen ________ in World War II escaped from German prison camps successfully.

(A) captured               (B) murdered              (C) realized                  (D) compared


(A) 被捉到的           (B) 被謀殺的           (C) 被了解的             (D) 被比較的

【解析】captured in World War II 在二次世界大戰中被俘虜

escape from … 從……逃走


( D ) 13. Crime is growing at a rapid rate, ________ in urban areas.

(A) cheerfully              (B) appropriately        (C) reasonably              (D) especially


(A) 快樂地               (B) 適當地               (C) 合理地                 (D) 特別地

【解析】at a … rate 以……樣的速度


( C ) 14. Jane ________ to the waiter that her meal was cold.

(A) happened             (B) celebrated            (C) complained             (D) admired


(A) 發生                   (B) 慶祝                   (C) 抱怨                     (D) 景仰

【解析】complain to sb. 向某人抱怨


( B ) 15. The famous singer’s wonderful voice made a deep ________ on the audience.

(A) progress               (B) impression            (C) promise                  (D) introduction


(A) 進步                   (B) 印象                   (C) 承諾                     (D) 介紹

【解析】make an impression on sb. 給某人留下印象





( C ) 16. Jenny: I’ll take a pair of jeans in this style.

Salesclerk: Great! Will that be all?

Jenny: Yes, that’s all.

Salesclerk: ____________

Jenny: Cash, please.

(A) I’ll think it over and let you know.

(B) I am very busy. Maybe tomorrow.

(C) Would you like to pay by cash or credit card?

(D) To be honest, I am not very good at it.






(A) 我要想一想再告訴你。                     (B) 我很忙。或許明天吧。

(C) 請問您要付現還是刷卡?                 (D) 老實說,這個我不太拿手呢。

【解析】a pair of jeans 一件牛仔褲  à a pair of … 一雙……

that’s all 就這些沒別的了;這樣就夠了

think … over 仔細考慮                            be good at … 擅長於……


( B ) 17. Tony: Would you like to get together tomorrow?

Sandy: OK. What would you like to do?

Tony: ____________

Sandy: That sounds good. Let’s go!

(A) Are you with me so far?                          (B) How about seeing a movie?

(C) How would you like it?                           (D) What did you do next?





(A) 到目前為止,我所說的話你都還聽得懂嗎?

(B) 看電影如何?

(C) 妳覺得怎樣?

(D) 接下來妳做了什麼?

【解析】would like to V 想要做……                     get together 聚在一起

be with sb. 聽得懂某人說的話                so far 到目前為止


( B ) 18. Teresa: Could you give me an extra blanket?

Attendant: ____________

Teresa: Thank you very much.

Attendant: You’re welcome.

(A) See you tomorrow.                                 (B) Sure, here you are.

(C) I beg your pardon.                                  (D) I don’t think so.





(A) 明天見。                                             (B) 當然可以,請拿去。

(C) 請再說一遍好嗎?                             (D) 我不這麼認為。

【解析】Here you are. 拿去吧;你要的東西在這裡。

I beg your pardon. 對不起;請再說一次。


( C ) 19. Judy: I hear you have a new girl friend.

Mike: Yes. Her name is Amy, and she is gorgeous!

Judy: Really? ____________

Mike: She’s tall with red hair.

Judy: And how old is she?

Mike: I don’t know. She won’t tell me.

(A) Is she outgoing?                                      (B) Is she intelligent?

(C) What does she look like?                        (D) It looks good on her.







(A) 她外向嗎?                                         (B) 她聰明嗎?

(C) 她長什麼樣子?                                 (D) 她穿起來很好看。

【解析】gorgeous 【口】好看的;很美的          outgoing 外向的;好交際

look like 看起來像……;長得……       look good 好看;看起來不錯


( B ) 20. Andrew: You look pale. Are you all right?

Candy: I don’t feel well. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me.

Andrew: ____________

Candy: You’re right. Thanks for your advice.

(A) That’s a wonderful idea!                         (B) You should take a rest.

(C) Is there anything I can do for you?          (D) I think I’m going to be sick.





(A) 那真是個好主意!                             (B) 妳應該休息一下。

(C) 有什麼我可以為妳做的嗎?             (D) 我想我快要吐了。

【解析】pale 蒼白的                                              all right 沒問題的

take a rest 休息一下


( C ) 21. Patient: I feel very dizzy and sick. And my stomach hurts.

Doctor: I see. How long have you felt like this?

Patient: ____________

Doctor: When did you eat last night?

Patient: Around ten.

(A) It hurts a lot.                                           (B) It is a dull pain.

(C) For two days.                                         (D) I am ahead of the times.






(A) 很痛。                                                 (B) 隱隱作痛。

(C) 兩天了。                                             (D) 我走在時代的前面。

【解析】I see. 我知道了;我明白了。                how long 多久的時間

dull pain 悶痛;隱隱作痛  à dull(痛苦等)不太感覺得到的;隱約的

ahead of the times 走在時代的尖端  à ahead of time 提前;提早


( D ) 22. Ann: I see you’re washing the windows.

Joan: Yes. They have not been washed for a long time.

Ann: ____________

Joan: Sure, if you don’t mind.

Ann: No, not at all.

(A) I don’t know yet.                                    (B) I appreciate that.

(C) For what date?                                       (D) Need any help?






(A) 我還不知道。                                     (B) 很感謝。

(C) 是哪一天?                                         (D) 需要幫忙嗎?

【解析】for a long time 很久了                               not at all 一點也不


( B ) 23. Helen: I’d like to return this hat.

Clerk: ____________

Helen: It’s too old-fashioned.

Clerk: Would you like to exchange it for a more stylish one?

Helen: No, I’d like a refund, please.

(A) We’ll be happy to see you again.             (B) What seems to be the problem with it?

(C) Which one do you like?                          (D) I’d like to expand the company.






(A) 我們將很樂意再次見到您。             (B) 它是有什麼問題嗎?

(C) 妳喜歡哪一個?                                 (D) 我想要擴張這家公司。

【解析】old-fashioned 舊式的;過時的                exchange A for B A物換成B

stylish 時髦的;合乎時尚的                   refund 退錢,退還


( C ) 24. Mary: What’s the matter, Joe? You look upset.

Joe: I lost my job today.

Mary: ____________

(A) You are missing the point.                        (B) I am just kidding.

(C) I am sorry to hear that.                           (D) It’s very nice of you to say so.




(A) 你沒抓到重點。                                 (B) 我只是開開玩笑。

(C) 聽你這麼說真是遺憾。                     (D) 你人真好,還這樣說。

【解析】What’s the matter? = What’s wrong? 怎麼了?發生了什麼事?

miss the point 沒聽到重點                        be kidding 開玩笑


( A ) 25. Woman: I’d like to order breakfast, please.

Room Service: May I have your name and room number?

Woman: Helen Brown. Room 12.

Room Service: Ms. Brown, ____________

Woman: Some toast and a tomato juice.

(A) what would you like today?                    (B) is everything OK?

(C) when do you want that?                          (D) I wonder if I could have some of that.






(A) 您今天要點些什麼?

(B) 一切都還好嗎?

(C) 您何時要?

(D) 我不知道是不是可以吃一點那個東西。

【解析】May I …? 我可以……嗎?

I wonder if … 我想知道是否可以……(用於委婉的請求)





It is becoming increasingly urgent for us to know our family’s medical history, as more and more diseases are found to have genetic __26__. Researchers are working to isolate all of the body’s 50,000 to 100,000 genes and __27__ them to specific diseases. It may be only a matter of time before scientists __28__ the genes that cause such common illnesses as diabetes and high blood pressure. __29__ unfortunately, time is not on our side. Hereditary diseases are a __30__ potentially affecting many people in the world.




increasingly 逐漸地;漸增地                           urgent 迫切的;緊急的

medical history(曾罹患過的)疾病史            isolate 使分離

diabetes 糖尿病                                                high blood pressure 高血壓

hereditary 遺傳(性)的                                 potentially 潛在地;可能地


( B ) 26. (A) genes                   (B) links                     (C) bacteria                  (D) pains

【解析】(A) 基因;遺傳因子  (B) 關聯;連結       (C) 細菌                     (D) 痛苦

genetic links 基因上的關係


( D ) 27. (A) deal                      (B) experiment            (C) conduct                  (D) match

【解析】(A) 處理;應付     (B) 做實驗               (C) 引導;帶領         (D) 符合;使相配

match A to B A找出可與其相配的B


( B ) 28. (A) favor                    (B) locate                   (C) fasten                     (D) depend

【解析】(A) 支持;贊同     (B) 探出;找出       (C) 繫牢;固定         (D) 依賴;依靠

a matter of time before … ……是遲早的事情

such N1 as N2  N2 那樣的 N1


( A ) 29. (A) But                       (B) Although               (C) Even if                    (D) Now that

【解析】前句對於未來能找出與基因相關的疾病抱持樂觀的看法,但本句的 unfortunately(不幸地)與前句產生相反的句意,故知應選 but(但是)。

on one’s side 支持某人;站在某人的那一方


( D ) 30. (A) number                 (B) piece                    (C) duty                       (D) crisis

【解析】(A) 數字                 (B) 一件                   (C) 責任;本分         (D) 危機

hereditary disease 遺傳性疾病                 crisis 危機(複數形 crises



In Taiwan, setting off sky lanterns is now considered a custom at Lantern Festival. The custom came from the Han people __31__ wanted to send a peaceful message to their families and friends. __32__ the first Han people came to Taiwan, they didn’t get along with the aborigines. They had many __33__ over the land. The aborigines accused the Han people __34__ stealing their land. So, they fought with each other and some people died. Later some Han people began to learn to live with the aborigines. They even moved up to the mountains and __35__ a village there. Every year when those Han people living in the mountains wanted to send messages to their families and friends living on the plains, they set off sky lanterns.




set off 燃放                                                       sky lantern 天燈

festival 節日,慶典                                          custom 習俗;風俗

get along with(與……)處得好,相處         aborigine 原住民

accuse 指控;控告                                          plain 平原;平地


( A ) 31. (A) who                     (B) while                    (C) what                       (D) where

【解析】who 引導的形容詞子句,當子句的主詞,界定先行詞 Han people(漢人)。


( A ) 32. (A) When                   (B) Although               (C) So                          (D) If

【解析】when 當……的時候


( D ) 33. (A) agreements           (B) ancestors              (C) robots                    (D) quarrels

【解析】(A) 協定;協議     (B) 祖宗;祖先       (C) 機器人                 (D) 爭吵;口角

have a quarrel/quarrels over sth. 為某事而起爭執


( C ) 34. (A) in                         (B) at                         (C) of                           (D) by

【解析】accuse sb. of + V-ing 指控某人做……  à accuse sb. of sth. 因某事控告某人


( D ) 35. (A) forms                   (B) to form                 (C) forming                   (D) formed

【解析】and 須連接相等的詞語,因此由 moved 為過去式判斷得知,應選過去式 formed



Many great colonists made an impact on American history. __36__ them was Benjamin Franklin, who left his mark as a writer, inventor, scientist and statesman.

Franklin was born in Boston in 1706, in a very religious household. __37__ he had less than two years of formal education, he enjoyed learning and read a lot of books. At age 12, he began writing articles for a newspaper, and that made __38__ famous as a young writer.

In 1723, Franklin ran away to Philadelphia, __39__ he started his own newspaper. He was very active in the Philadelphia community. He operated a bookstore and __40__ postmaster. He also helped to establish a library, a fire company, a college, an insurance company and a hospital.






colonist 殖民地開拓者                                     make an impact on ……造成影響

statesman 政治家                                             religious 信奉宗教的;信仰虔誠的

household 家族                                                 active 活躍的;活潑的

operate 經營;營運                                         postmaster 郵政局長


( B ) 36. (A) Inside                   (B) Among                 (C) Within                    (D) Beside

【解析】among + 「在……人當中」,them 指前句的 many great colonists


( D ) 37. (A) For                      (B) If                          (C) Perhaps                  (D) Although

【解析】前句指出他受過的正規教育不到兩年,後句卻說他樂於學習新知及飽讀詩書。由此前後子句的反差,推斷應選 although(雖然)。


( B ) 38. (A) it                          (B) him                       (C) them                       (D) her

【解析】make sb. + 補語 「使某人……」,sb. 為受詞,由主要子句的主詞 he 判斷得知,應選其受格 him


( C ) 39. (A) who                     (B) which                   (C) where                     (D) what

【解析】Philadelphia「費城」為地名,所以應選表示地點的 where


( C ) 40. (A) names                  (B) naming                  (C) was named             (D) had named

【解析】sb. + be named + 職務  某人被任命做某職務  à 主動句:S + name + sb. + 職務





A young man was recently murdered in an apartment in Taipei. The police found no clues except for one fingerprint on the wall. Usually, finding the owner of a fingerprint would take several days or even months because there are millions of fingerprints in the files. In this case, however, the police found the murderer in just a few hours because they had a powerful helper—a computer. The computer compared the fingerprint on the wall with all the fingerprints in the files and told the police whom the fingerprint belonged to.

Computers can store large amounts of information. In a few seconds, they can give us the information stored in them. In one second, computers can do millions of calculations. Through the computer network, we can send information to a faraway place in a moment.

Computers are used in many other situations today. At home, we use small, simple computers to control the washing machine or the microwave oven. At the supermarket, computers read the labels on products and work out the bills. In the library, a computer can tell you, in a second, if a book is there. Many schools use computers to teach students. People may even use computers to make friends on the BBS.

Many people believe that computers will become as smart as or even smarter than human beings and that they will do everything for us. If this happens, what will you do to pass the time? Don’t worry. You’ll have a lot of computer games.




如今電腦被應用在許多其他情況中。在家裡,我們使用小型的簡單電腦來控制洗衣機或微波爐。在超市裡,電腦讀取產品上的標籤,計算帳單金額。在圖書館裡,電腦可以立刻告訴你書有沒有被借走。許多學校都用電腦來教學生。人們甚至用電腦在 BBS 上交朋友。



murder 謀殺                                                     clue 線索

fingerprint 指紋                                                 murderer 兇手

powerful 強有力的;有效的                           compare A with B AB做比較

calculation 計算                                                faraway 遙遠的;遠方的

washing machine 洗衣機                                   microwave oven 微波爐

label 標籤                                                         work out (金額)合計出來

bill 帳單                                                            pass the time 打發時間


( D ) 41. Without the help of the computer, how long does it usually take to find the owner of a fingerprint?

(A) A few minutes.                                        (B) A few seconds.

(C) A few hours.                                           (D) Several days or even months.


(A) 幾分鐘。                                             (B) 幾秒鐘。

(C) 幾個鐘頭。                                         (D) 幾天或甚至幾個月。

【解析】本文第三句即指出,通常找一枚指紋的主人通常要花上好幾天甚至好幾個月的時間 (Usually, finding the owner of a fingerprint would take several days or even months …),故答案選 (D):數天或數月。


( B ) 42. Why could the computer help the police find the murderer so fast?

(A) Because it could read the labels on products.

(B) Because it helped the police find the person to whom the fingerprint belonged.

(C) Because it had a lot of games.

(D) Because it could calculate very quickly the number of fingerprints stored in the files.


(A) 因為它可以讀取產品上的標籤。

(B) 因為它幫助警方找出指紋的主人是誰。

(C) 因為它有很多遊戲。

(D) 因為它可以很快地計算出儲存在檔案中的指紋數目。

【解析】第一段最後一句提及,這件命案的兇手在牆上留下指紋,經電腦比對指紋,警方不久即找出兇手 (The computer compared the fingerprint on the wall with all the fingerprints in the files and told the police whom the fingerprint belonged to.)

calculate 計算                                           store 將(資料)存入(記憶體)


( A ) 43. Which of the following is the topic sentence of the third paragraph?

(A) Computers are used in many other situations today.

(B) At the supermarket, computers read the labels on products and work out the bills.

(C) In the library, a computer can tell you, in a second, if a book is there.

(D) Many schools use computers to teach students.


(A) 如今電腦被應用在許多其他情況中。

(B) 在超市裡,電腦讀取產品上的標籤,計算帳單金額。

(C) 在圖書館中,電腦可以立刻告訴你書有沒有被借走。

(D) 許多學校都利用電腦來教學生。

【解析】每段的第一句往往是該段的主題句。第三段開始就指出電腦還可應用在許多情況,說明該段的重點,再分別舉出住家、超市及圖書館做為例子說明,因此答案選 (A)

topic sentence 主題句                               in a second 立刻,立即


( D ) 44. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A) At home, computers can help us control some machine.

(B) At the supermarket, computers can help us calculate the bills efficiently.

(C) People may use computers to make friends.

(D) Computers can replace all the librarians.


(A) 在家裡,電腦可以幫助我們控制某台機器。

(B) 在超市裡,電腦可以幫助我們有效地計算帳單金額。

(C) 人們可以利用電腦來交友。

(D) 電腦可以取代所有圖書館員。

【解析】(A)(B) (C) 在第三段第二、三、六句均有描述。只有 (D) 未提及。

statement 敘述;聲明                              efficiently 有效率地

replace 替換;代替                                 librarian 圖書館員


( D ) 45. Which of the following can best describe the main idea of this passage?

(A) Finding the owner of a fingerprint is difficult.

(B) Computers can give us a lot of information.

(C) We can send information to a faraway place in a minute.

(D) Computers are very useful in our daily lives.


(A) 找出一枚指紋的主人是很困難的。

(B) 電腦可以給我們許多資料。

(C) 我們可以在一瞬間就把資料傳到遠處。

(D) 電腦在我們的日常生活中非常有用。

【解析】綜觀全文,所敘述的都是電腦的功能與用處,從幫助警方辦案到應用在日常生活中,所以我們的生活少不了它,因此答案選 (D)

daily life 日常生活



The Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) offers those aged 55 and older a meaningful life through community volunteer service. Volunteers donate their time and energy regularly to neighborhood watch programs, to helping people recover from natural disasters, and to providing transportation for doctors’ appointments, etc. In fact, plenty of other service opportunities exist for RSVP such as visiting nursing home residents, helping in senior nutrition centers, providing service at civic events, serving in health care institutions, and serving at public libraries. The rewards of being a volunteer are countless. For example, each year RSVP volunteers are recognized with a special banquet in their honor. The recognition also provides a time for the volunteers to gather together and enjoy a variety of entertainments. Research shows that volunteering promotes physical and psychological well-being. During and after volunteering, 95 percent of people reported feelings of warmth, similar to those who feel happy and excited after exercise.


「退休老人志工方案」(RSVP) 提供機會,讓年滿五十五歲以上的老年人能透過社區志工服務,過更有意義的生活。志工人員把他們的時間與精力,定期地貢獻給鄰里守望相助計畫,幫助災民重建家園,以及開車載送病人就醫等。事實上,RSVP 還有許多其他的服務機會,比如說拜訪住在安養院的人、在老人營養中心幫忙、在公民活動中提供服務、在健康醫療機構服務,還有在公立圖書館幫忙等。身為一名志工,其報酬是無盡的。比如說,每年都會舉辦一場特別的饗宴來向 RSVP 志工致意答謝。這種答謝宴也讓志工們可以齊聚一堂,觀賞各種娛樂表演。研究顯示,從事志工活動不但可以促進身體健康,對於心理健康也十分有益。在擔任志工期間及以後,有百分之九十五的人都報告說感受到溫暖,就跟那些運動完後感覺快樂和興奮的人差不多。


retired 退休(者)的                                      volunteer n./v. 志願者;義工∕自願從事……

meaningful 有意義的                                        community 社區

donate 捐贈                                                      regularly 定期地,有規律地

neighborhood watch 社區守望相助                 transportation 運輸,運送

appointment 約定;預約                                  nursing home 療養院

resident 居民                                                    nutrition center 營養中心

civic 市民的;公民的                                     countless 數不盡的

recognize/recognition v./n. 表彰;褒揚             banquet 宴會;盛宴

in one’s honor 向某人表示敬意                       entertainment 娛樂(表演)

promote 增進,促進                                      

physical and psychological well-being 身心健康


( C ) 46. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) Opportunities and benefits for student volunteers.

(B) Services offered by RSVP for elders.

(C) The nature and advantages of joining RSVP.

(D) The recognition of special senior volunteers.


(A) 學生志工的機會與福利。                 (B) RSVP為老年人所提供的服務。

(C) RSVP的性質及加入的優點。           (D) 對於特別資深志工的表彰。

【解析】綜觀全文,從RSVP的加入資格談到服務項目,再談到志工透過參加活動所獲得的回饋,所以正確答案選 (C)

opportunity 機會                                       benefit 利益;好處


( D ) 47. According to the passage, at what age can a person become qualified to join RSVP?

(A) 24                        (B) 37                        (C) 49                          (D) 56


(A) 24                   (B) 37                   (C) 49                     (D) 56

【解析】本文第一句即指出 RSVP 適用的對象年齡需滿五十五歲以上 (… those aged 55 and older …),所以 (D) 為正確答案。

qualified 有資格的;合格的


( A ) 48. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a volunteer work?

(A) Reading to children.

(B) Serving at libraries.

(C) Offering transportation for the sick.

(D) Visiting aged citizens at nursing homes.


(A) 唸書給小孩子聽。                             (B) 在圖書館服務。

(C) 為生病的人提供載送服務。             (D) 拜訪在安養院中年紀大的公民。

【解析】此方案的服務內容可在本文第 26 行找到,包括了像是鄰里守望相助計畫、幫助災民重建家園、開車載送病人就醫、拜訪住在安養院的人、在老人營養中心幫忙、在公民活動中提供服務、在健康醫療機構服務、在公立圖書館幫忙等,就是沒有提到選項 (A),故為正確答案。


( A ) 49. In line 8, the word “their” refers to ______.

(A) volunteers’           (B) residents’              (C) institutions’             (D) libraries’

在第九行中,“their”(他們的)這個字所指的是 ___________

(A) 志工的               (B) 居民的               (C) 機構的                 (D) 圖書館的

【解析】該句 (For example, each year RSVP volunteers are recognized with a special banquet in their honor.) 的主詞為 volunteers,而依文意,句中的「他們的」指的也就是「志工的」,故答案選 (A)


( B ) 50. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

(A) Volunteers give money to nursing home residents.

(B) Volunteering gives one a feeling of happiness.

(C) Volunteers go to work only when they are invited.

(D) Volunteering is not rewarding at all.


(A) 志工捐錢給住在安養院的人。

(B) 從事志工工作給人一種快樂的感覺。

(C) 志工只有受到邀請時才會去工作。

(D) 從事志工工作完全一無所獲。

【解析】(A) 錯誤,志工奉獻的是時間與精力 (Volunteers donate their time and energy regularly to …),不是金錢。(B) 正確,最後一句指出,擔任志工的感覺跟運動後感受到的快樂很類似。(C) 錯誤,志工是定期地提供服務 (Volunteers donate their time and energy regularly to …),不是受邀才去。(D) 錯誤,當志工並非毫無收穫,至少對身體及心理都有益處 (… volunteering promotes physical and psychological well-being.)。所以答案為 (B)

rewarding 值得做的;有報酬的


