統測歷屆試題 / 101試題詳解(遠東版)




I. 字彙題:第18題,每題均有一空格字詞,請選擇最適合的答案,以完成該英文句子。第915題,每題均有一個劃底線的字詞,請在四個選項中,選擇一個與劃底線的字詞意義最接近的答案。


( D )  1.  All city council members decided to ______ a percentage of their income to the poor.

(A) rebuild                     (B) bribe                      (C) finish                   (D) donate


(A) 重建                      (B) 賄賂                     (C) 完成                  (D) 捐獻

【解析】council 地方議會         percentage 百分比      income 收入;所得

the + adj. 表「全體」à the poor 窮困的人


( A )  2.  Due to the hard economic times, we can expect a ______ in job vacancies.

(A) decline                    (B) capacity                  (C) sketch                 (D) balance


(A) 衰退                      (B) 容量                     (C) 素描                  (D) 平衡

【解析】due to 由於                  economic 經濟的        vacancy(職位)空缺


( C )  3.  Mary started her ______ as a high school teacher as soon as she graduated from college, and is still in love with her job at this moment.

(A) vacation                  (B) motto                     (C) career                 (D) homework


(A) 假期                      (B) 座右銘                 (C) 職業;生涯      (D) 作業

【解析】as soon as …………                               at this moment 目前;現在


( A )  4.  The patient’s chronic illness has ______ her so much that she has difficulty walking.

(A) weakened               (B) strengthened           (C) lightened              (D) broadened


(A) 削弱                      (B) 強化                     (C) 減輕                  (D) 加寬

【解析】chronic 慢性的;長期的                                have difficulty + V-ing 難以做……


( B )  5.  Patrick has just got a next-week ______ for a comedy movie and he looks very happy right now.

(A) attraction                 (B) audition                  (C) applicant             (D) appendix


(A) 吸引力                  (B) 試鏡;試聽         (C) 應徵者              (D) 附錄

【解析】comedy 喜劇


( C )  6.  The manager decided to offer a bargain price to increase sales and discourage ______.

(A) designers                 (B) roosters                  (C) competitors         (D) scholars


(A) 設計師                  (B) 公雞                     (C) 競爭者              (D) 學者

【解析】manager 經理              bargain 廉價的           discourage 阻撓


( D )  7.  A relief team rescued 500 villagers from mudslides caused by the typhoon, but there were still five people who ______ into thin air and were never seen again.

(A) transformed             (B) survived                  (C) explored              (D) vanished


(A) 變形                      (B) 存活                     (C) 探險                  (D) 消失

【解析】relief 救援                    mudslide 土石流         vanish into thin air 不知去向;消失無蹤


( B )  8.  In August 2011 Steve Jobs wrote, “Unfortunately, that day has come.” Then he knew he could no longer ______ the expectations of his position as the CEO of the company.

(A) cherish                    (B) fulfill                       (C) dominate             (D) spare


(A) 珍惜                      (B) 履行                     (C) 主宰                  (D) 省下

【解析】no longer 不再……     expectation 期望         position 職位

CEO (= chief executive officer) 總裁


( C )  9.  The road to the border was closed, and the soldiers were forced to alter their plans.

(A) miss                        (B) keep                       (C) change                (D) recover


(A) 錯過                      (B) 維持                     (C) 更改                  (D) 復原

【解析】border 邊界;國界                                         force 強迫


( B ) 10. A computer program will be used to assess the quality of language education.

(A) compose                 (B) evaluate                  (C) remind                 (D) offend


(A) 組成                      (B) 評估                     (C) 提醒                  (D) 冒犯

【解析】sth. + be used to + V 某物用來做……           quality 品質


( A ) 11. More than two million birds migrate south to the lake each fall for food.

(A) travel                       (B) progress                 (C) drop                    (D) float


(A) 移動                      (B) 進步                     (C) 掉落                  (D) 漂浮

【解析】more than … 超過……


( D ) 12. Driving in stressful conditions, he is suffering from fatigue and wants to go to bed early.

(A) belt                         (B) return                     (C) handle                 (D) tiredness


(A) 皮帶                      (B) 返回                     (C) 把手                  (D) 疲倦

【解析】driving in stressful conditions 為分詞構句,修飾主詞 he

condition 情況             suffer 受苦


( B ) 13. The tree in the front yard makes the room dark. We should get it trimmed.

(A) fit                            (B) cut                          (C) revised                (D) marked


(A) 適合的                  (B) 被剪                     (C) 被修正              (D) 被標記

【解析】get sth. p.p. 使某物被……


( C ) 14. The chairperson’s late arrival postponed the start of the committee meeting.

(A) hurried                    (B) supported               (C) delayed               (D) recovered


(A) 催促                      (B) 支持                     (C) 延遲                  (D) 恢復

【解析】chairperson 主席          arrival 到達                 committee 委員會


( D ) 15. The lawyer’s evidence proved to be false although it looked convincing when first presented.

(A) minor                      (B) excited                   (C) unlikely                (D) believable


(A) 次要的                  (B) 刺激的                 (C) 不可能的          (D) 可信賴的

【解析】evidence 證據              false 假的                   present 呈現;提出



II. 對話題:第1625題,請依對話內容,選出一個最適合的答案,使其成為有意義的對話。


( D ) 16. James: Do you know anything about “Lohas”?

Amy: Well, it stands for people who enjoy “lifestyles of health and sustainability”.

James: _______________

Amy: People from this group prefer to live an environmentally friendly and healthy life.

(A) Where are they going?

(B) When do they go to work?

(C) How about those who are not rich?

(D) What do they do?





(A) 他們要去哪裡?

(C) 他們何時去上班?

(C) 那些沒錢的人是怎樣呢?

(D) 他們都做什麼?

【解析】Lohas 指「健康的飲食、生活、身心靈的探索與個人成長」。

stand for 代表                         sustainability 持續性;永續性


( C ) 17. Student A: Shall I lock the chemistry lab now before I go home?

Student B: _______________ I’ll check it myself later.

Student A: Then, you have a nice weekend!

(A) What a pity!

(B) It’s fantastic.

(C) Don’t bother.

(D) No, I won’t.


B生:_______________ 等一下我會自己檢查。


(A) 真可惜!

(B) 太棒了。

(C) 不用麻煩了。

(D) 不,我不會。

【解析】lab (口語)實驗室              check 檢查                             bother 操心;費事

Have a nice … ! 祝你……愉快!


( C ) 18. Jack: What are you going to do for this weekend?

Tom: I am going to the park for a party.

Jack: A party in the park? _______________

Tom: There will be a musical concert featuring Mozart. I love his music.

(A) Is the park going to be big?

(B) It’s a piece of cake, isn’t it?

(C) What do you mean?

(D) How far is the park from here?



傑克:公園開派對? _______________


(A) 公園大嗎?

(B) 輕而易舉,對吧?

(C) 你是什麼意思呢?

(D) 公園離這裡有多遠?

【解析】feature 以……為特色            a piece of cake 輕鬆愉快的事


( B ) 19. Jack: Finally, my job is done.

Tom: What do you think of it?

Jack: At the first sight, I believe it is terrific. But …

Tom: _______________

(A) But the boss is about to take it as a jewel.

(B) But the boss thinks it still has a lot to be desired.

(C) But the boss likes it very much.

(D) But the boss will have no regrets about it.





(A) 不過老闆會將它視為珍寶。

(B) 不過老闆認為有許多仍待改進的地方。

(C) 不過老闆非常喜歡。

(D) 不過老闆會對它了無遺憾。

【解析】at (the) sight of 一看到            jewel 瑰寶;寶物                  regret 遺憾


( B ) 20. Jack: What do you think is the best way to start making friends?

Tom: I believe that a proper joke can break the ice.

Jack: Telling a joke? _______________ And I’ll try it later.

(A) Don’t be silly!

(B) It makes sense.

(C) I won’t count on it.

(D) I can’t stand it any longer.



傑克:說笑話嗎? _______________ 以後我試試看。

(A) 別傻了。

(B) 有道理。

(C) 我不敢指望。

(D) 我再也受不了了。

【解析】proper 適當的                        break the ice 緩和緊張;開始說話

tell a joke 說笑話                   make sense 有意義;合理

count on 指望;期待             not ... any longer 再也不……


( A ) 21. Jack: I am looking for a new apartment.

Tom: My building has some vacancies. _______________

Jack: Yes. Let me know more details.

(A) Will you be interested in them?

(B) Could you show me around?

(C) Where do you go for laundry?

(D) Are you saying it is rent-free?




(A) 你會有興趣嗎?

(B) 你可以帶我到處看看嗎?

(C) 你去哪裡洗衣服?

(D) 你是說免租金嗎?

【解析】look for 尋找                          vacancy 空房間                      detail 細節

show sb. around 帶人參觀     laundry 待洗的衣物


( A ) 22. Interviewer: Do you think yourself a talent, winning all these games?

Jeremy Lin: No. It’s just incredible. I don’t think anyone, including myself, saw this coming.

Interviewer: _______________

Jeremy Lin: Basketball’s so fun when you play on a team where people pitch in and work through tough times.

(A) How do you like the game?

(B) Would you like to talk about baseball?

(C) How much money do you make?

(D) When will you retire?





(A) 你對比賽有何感想?

(B) 你可以談談棒球嗎?

(C) 你賺多少錢?

(D) 你什麼時候要退休?

【解析】talent 人才                              incredible 不可思議的

see sth. coming 了解某事會發生                                           pitch in 合作;支援

How do you like ? 你覺得……怎樣?                              retire 退休


( A ) 23. Tim: The next slide shows sales over the past six months.

Kevin: _______________

Tim: Yes, we did.

Kevin: Any idea what caused this drop in sales?

(A) Gee! We hit quite a slump.

(B) Anything I can do to help.

(C) Let’s take a break first.

(D) That was a good thing.





(A) 天啊!我們的生意一落千丈。

(B) 有什麼我幫得上忙的地方嗎?

(C) 我們先休息一下吧。

(D) 那是件好事。

【解析】slide 幻燈片                           drop 下跌;下降                   slump 暴跌

take a break 休息一下


( A ) 24. ( On the phone … )

Secretary: Mr. Hubbard’s office. How may I help you?

Client: Yes, I’d like to speak to Mr. James, please?

Secretary: _______________

Client: This is Mrs. Stone from Sandhill.

(A) Who is calling, please?

(B) May I ask what this call is about?

(C) How do you find us?

(D) Where are you going?






(A) 請問您哪位?

(B) 可以請問有什麼貴事嗎?

(C) 您怎麼找到我們的?

(D) 你要去哪裡?

【解析】May I speak to ...? (電話中)我想找……。

This is (speaking). (電話中)我是……。


( B ) 25. Customs Officer: May I see your passport and landing card?

Thomas: _______________

Customs Officer: Do you have anything to declare?

Thomas: Oh, nothing special.

(A) I don’t need my passport.

(B) Sure. Here you are.

(C) They’re not real.

(D) Be focused.





(A) 我不需要護照。

(B) 當然。在這裡。

(B) 這些不是真的。

(D) 專心點。

【解析】customs 海關                          passport 護照                         landing card 入境卡

declare 申報                           Here you are. 你要的東西在這裡。

focused 專心的;集中精力的



III. 綜合測驗:以下三篇短文,共有15個空格,為第2640題,每題有四個選項,請依各篇短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。



CouchSurfing has developed into a new craze1 for the travel community2 since it began in 1999. CouchSurfing, usually __26__ as CS, offers a great way for budget conscious3 travelers to travel the world in a far less expensive way. CS works when travelers find people who are willing to open up their homes to them and have spare couches for them to sleep on. __27__ saving money on accommodation4, CS provides travelers __28__ a unique5 opportunity to encounter6 local perspectives7 from the area in which they are traveling, __29__ various cultural, political, and religious viewpoints and lifestyles. Do you have a limited travel budget? Are you comfortable spending time with strangers? Do you want to experience different outlooks from other parts of the world? __30__ CouchSurfing.org, a popular social networking site for both surfers8 and hosts, to gain a better understanding of how to find and contact potential9 hosts and begin your journey today. You won’t be disappointed.





1. craze n. 狂熱,流行

2. community n.(具共同特徵的)團體,……界

3. conscious adj. ……意識強烈的

4. accommodation n. 住宿

5. unique adj. 獨特的

6. encounter v. 經歷,體驗

7. perspective n. 觀點

8. surfer n.(本文指)沙發客;衝浪者

9. potential adj. 潛在的,可能的



( A ) 26. (A) abbreviated             (B) lengthened              (C) knew                   (D) became

【翻譯】(A) 縮寫                      (B) 加長                     (C) 知道                  (D) 變成

【解析】CSCouchSurfing的縮寫,所以選 (A)


( C ) 27. (A) In order to               (B) Because of             (C) In addition to       (D) In case of

【翻譯】(A) 為了                      (B) 由於                     (C) ……之外(還)       (D) 萬一,倘若

【解析】從句意來看,CS的好處在省錢之餘,還可以提供旅行者千載難逢的機會一窺當地的文化、政治、宗教、生活形態,所以省錢只是其中一項,除此之外還有別的,故正確答案為 (C)


( A ) 28. (A) with                         (B) from                       (C) to                        (D) of

【解析】provide sb. with sth. 提供(某人)……

比較:provide sth. for sb. 提供……給(某人)


( D ) 29. (A) excluding                 (B) having                     (C) consisting            (D) including

【翻譯】(A) 除……之外          (B)                          (C) 組成                  (D) 包括

【解析】根據句意,空格後的various cultural, political, and religious viewpoints and lifestyles是在說明前面的local perspectives,所以只有 (D) 符合句意與文法句構。consist是不及物動詞,通常會與介系詞連用,如consist of(由……組成)、consist in(在於……)、consist with(與……相容)。


( B ) 30. (A) To visit                    (B) Visit                       (C) Visiting                (D) Visited





A few interesting similarities can be found between the two great philosophers: Confucius and Socrates. They indicated1 that virtue2 can cause happiness in life. Using their own lives as __31__, they tried to tell their followers that acting virtuously is the way to success in life. Another common point between Confucius and Socrates is their emphasis on the importance of education. __32__ education, it is difficult to build up the virtue of wisdom. They considered self-knowledge important. Self-knowledge refers to3 the ability to know what we know and what we do not know. With the awareness4 of our own knowledge and __33__, we are able to succeed and avoid errors. They believed that careful self-examination can analyze and __34__ our personal characters, aims, methods and attitudes. For both Confucius and Socrates, __35__ learning and wisdom with other virtues, one can have a good and productive life. They pointed out that wisdom obtained from learning can be used as guidance for all good deeds5.





1. indicate v. 指示,指出

2. virtue n. 美德

3. refer to 意指

4. awareness n. 覺察,意識

5. deed n. 善行



( B ) 31. (A) manners                  (B) models                   (C) masses                (D) measurements

【翻譯】(A) 方式;樣子          (B) 榜樣                     (C) 一團,大量      (D) 測量

【解析】根據句意,兩大哲學家是以自己做為學生的榜樣,所以選 (B)


( A ) 32. (A) Without                   (B) With                       (C) Like                    (D) For

【解析】按句意,「沒有」教育的話才會難以獲得知識這項美德,所選 (A)


( C ) 33. (A) illustration                (B) invasion                  (C) ignorance            (D) interruption

【翻譯】(A) 圖例                      (B) 入侵                     (C) 無知                  (D) 中斷,打岔

【解析】空格所在的句子在說明上一句 … the ability to know what we know and what we do not knowknowledge代表的是what we know,所以空格應填入接近what we do not know的字,只有 (C) 為正確選項。


( D ) 34. (A) improved                 (B) improving               (C) improves             (D) improve



( B ) 35. (A) inferring                   (B) integrating               (C) inhabiting             (D) imposing

【翻譯】(A) 推論                      (B) 融合                     (C) 棲息                  (D) 強加於


integrate … with … 將……與……合而為一




A computer addict1 uses a computer all the time—playing online games, browsing2 websites, e-mailing friends, and so on. He is annoyed when he has no __36__ to the computer. As soon as he turns it on, he feels __37__ again. Computer addiction1 is a social and physical problem. Socially, a person with a computer addiction thinks his “Cyber3 friends” are important, so he spends less time with his family and friends. Physically, a computer addict can __38__ symptoms such as dry eyes, headaches, and backaches after he hasn’t eaten and slept properly4 for some time. If you are a computer addict, you need to help yourself. First, __39__ that you have a problem. Then, talk to your family about it and limit your computer use. For example, __40__ an alarm clock5 before using a computer. Turn the computer off when the clock rings. Take action now, or the computer will take a full control of you.





1. addict n. 熱中者,……迷

addiction n. 上癮,沈溺

2. browse v. 瀏覽;翻閱(書)

3. cyber adj. 電腦的,網路上的

4. properly adv. 適當地

5. alarm clock 鬧鐘



( D ) 36. (A) track                       (B) input                       (C) route                   (D) access

【翻譯】(A) 足跡;軌道          (B) 輸入                     (C) 路線                  (D) 取得;門徑

【解析】當我們要表達「得以使用、接近、進入」時,會使用片語 have access to + N,所以答案為 (D)


( A ) 37. (A) relieved                   (B) distressed               (C) stressed               (D) preserved

【翻譯】(A) 寬慰的                  (B) 苦惱的                 (C) 壓力大的          (D) 醃漬的

【解析】文中指出電腦狂在沒有電腦可用的情況下會感到惱怒,而一打開電腦想必是完全不同的心情,與annoyed相反的情緒是 (A)


( B ) 38. (A) lend                         (B) develop                  (C) expose                (D) drop

【翻譯】(A) 借出                      (B) 顯出(疾病、症狀)                                          (C) 暴露 (D) 滴落

【解析】跟疾病、症狀有關的只有選項 (B)


( D ) 39. (A) edit                         (B) owe                        (C) intend                  (D) admit

【翻譯】(A) 編輯                      (B) 欠(錢)             (C) 打算,意圖      (D) 承認

【解析】根據句意,承認有問題應選 (D)


( B ) 40. (A) put                          (B) set                          (C) turn                     (D) keep

【翻譯】(A) 放置                      (B) 設定                     (C)                       (D) 保持

【解析】設定鬧鐘的動詞要用set,故選 (B)



IV. 閱讀測驗:以下有兩篇短文,共有10個題目,為第4150題,請於閱讀短文後,選出最適當的答案。



For those who think of straws as nothing but animal feed1, materials for the roof, natural fertilizers2 or occasional medical herbs, I would suggest that they take a trip to Snugburys. Snugburys, an ice cream maker in the U.K., has had a plan to construct a sculpture every year in their farm field to celebrate the coming of summer. This year, they have a GIANT polar bear—a statue3 which has 3 tons of straws inside. The steel-skeleton4-straw-stuffed5 replica6 of the animal from the arctic7 region is attracting interest from tourists, visitors or ice cream buyers while keeping guard at this ice cream destination beside A51 Chester Road. The animal is approximately four times as big as a real adult male polar bear: standing 38 feet tall and weighing in at 9 tons. The sculpture will stay there for about half a year. “Ex-straw-dinary!” uttered one of my friends. The concept started in 1998 with a huge Millennium Dome sculpture and, since then, on the list of the works of art are replicas of the Big Ben Clock, a windmill8, the Lovell telescope9, a rocket, an angel from the West, a dinosaur as well as last year’s meerkat. Speaking about this year’s design, Mr. Sadler, the business owner, responded with a smile: “There’s no real reason why we chose a polar bear but we think that they’re cool and ice cream is cool so I guess that’s a good enough explanation!” A certain part of all sales from the shop’s “Polar Bear Cones” will be given away to The Children’s Adventure Farm Trust which provides holidays for the kids in need: ill at a terminal10 stage, disabled, disadvantaged and the like.


對於那些認為稻草不過是動物飼料、屋頂建材、天然肥料或者偶爾充當藥草的人,我會建議他們走一趟賽柏瑞斯。賽柏瑞斯是英國一家生產冰淇淋的工廠,他們每一年都有在田野上創造一件雕塑品以慶祝夏天到來的計畫。今年他們的作品是一隻巨大的北極熊,一座裡面塞了三噸稻草的雕像。這座鋼骨結構、稻草填料的極地動物複製品,除了守護這座位於A51查斯特路旁的冰淇淋工廠,同時還吸引了觀光客、旅客或冰淇淋買家的興趣。這座動物雕像的尺寸大約是一隻成年公北極熊的四倍大,直立起來高三十八英尺,重量是九噸。雕像將會屹立在那裡半年左右。我的一位朋友稱它是「Ex-straw-dinary」(ex 是「之前」,straw 是「稻草」,整個字又與 extraordinary 同音,表示「罕見的,特別的」)。這個概念始於一九九八年,當時的作品是一個巨大的千禧年圓頂雕塑,而自那時起,他們的作品清單便包括了英國的大笨鐘、風車屋、羅威爾望遠鏡、火箭、西方的天使、恐龍以及去年的狐。說到今年的設計,這家冰淇淋工廠的老闆賽德先生笑著回答:「我們選擇北極熊沒有什麼特別的理由,我們只是覺得北極熊很酷,而冰淇淋也很酷,所以我想,嗯,這個理由應該夠充足了!」這家店所販售的「北極熊甜筒冰淇淋」將會把部分所得捐贈給「兒童冒險樂園信託基金會」,這個機構專門協助重症末期、失能殘疾、弱勢之類有需要的兒童享受過節的氣氛。



1. feed n. 飼料

2. fertilizer n. 肥料

3. statue n. 雕像

4. skeleton n. 骨架;骸骨

5. stuffed adj. 填塞的

6. replica n. 複製品

7. arctic adj. 北極地方的

8. windmill n. 風車小屋

9. telescope n. 望遠鏡

10. terminal adj. 末期的



( C ) 41. Which of the following items is NOT mentioned as the use of straws?

(A) An alternative therapy.                                 (B) Fertilizers.

(C) Farming tools.                                             (D) Roofing materials.


(A) 另類治療。          肥料。                        (C) 農具。              (D) 屋頂材料。

【解析】從第一句可以得知,稻草的功用一般作為動物飼料(animal feed)、蓋屋頂的材料(materials for the roof)、天然肥料(natural fertilizers)或者藥草(medical herbs),故答案應選 (C)


( C ) 42. Which of the following is NOT on the Snugburys’ list of the structures made of straws?

(A) A polar bear.           (B) A rocket.                (C) A locomotive.      (D) A meerkat.


(A) 北極熊。              (B) 火箭。                 (C) 火車頭。          (D) 狐獴。

【解析】文中提到賽柏瑞斯雕塑作品的清單,(B) 火箭跟 (D) 都有提到,而今年的北極熊當然亦包括在內,故只有 (C) 火車頭沒有。


( A ) 43. Why is the polar bear taken as the theme for this year’s structure?

(A) It’s cool.                                                      (B) It’s in grave danger.

(C) It’s of significant value.                                 (D) It’s snow-white.


(A) 牠很酷。                                                  (B) 牠身陷危險。

(C) 牠非常重要。                                          (D) 牠全身雪白。

【解析】根據冰淇淋工廠的老闆說法,它們今年選北極熊當主題,只因為北極熊跟冰淇淋一樣都很酷 ( they’re cool and ice cream is cool …),沒別的原因了,故答案選 (A)


( D ) 44. Why does the author offer the suggestion of taking a trip to Snugburys?

(A) To do research on a herbal remedy.             (B) To enjoy the urban atmosphere.

(C) To enhance the business chance.                  (D) To learn an artistic display of straws.


(A) 對於草藥療法作研究。                          (B) 享受都市氣氛。

(C) 增加生意機會。                                      (D) 欣賞稻草的藝術展。

【解析】文章一開始,作者就建議讀者,如果認為稻草只有那些一般功能的話,不如到賽柏瑞斯去一趟,而全文都在介紹用稻草做成的雕塑,故知答案應選 (D)


( C ) 45. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

(A) Snugburys is a famous ice cream manufacturer in the U.S.A.

(B) A charity unit for the kids has offered to promote the straw shows.

(C) “Ex-straw-dinary” is used here to express praise and admiration.

(D) An average adult male polar bear stands 38 feet tall and weighs in at 9 tons.


(A) 賽柏瑞斯是美國著名的冰淇淋製造商。

(B) 兒童的慈善團體提議幫稻草展做宣傳。

(C) Ex-straw-dinary在這裡是用來表達讚美與欣賞。

(D) 平均一隻公成年北極熊直立起來高三十八英尺,重量為九噸。

【解析】根據第二句,賽柏瑞斯是英國 (U. K.) 的冰淇淋製造商,不是美國,故 (A) 錯。文中只有兒童冒險農會信用部 (Children’s Adventure Farm Trust) 是兒童慈善團體,而其目的並非為稻草展覽宣傳,故 (B) 錯。文中提到這座北極熊雕像的尺寸,是實際上一隻成年公熊的四倍大,直立起來三十八英尺跟重量九噸是指雕像,故一隻成年公熊的大小應該要再除以四才對,所以 (D) 也錯。而Ex-straw-dinary雖然文中沒有特別提及,但因其與extraordinary同音,故應表示讚嘆之意,所以正確答案為 (C)




Michael Hart, founder1 of Project Gutenberg, invented eBooks in 1971 and continued to inspire2 the creation of eBooks and related technologies today. He announced that the greatest value created by computers would not be computing, but the storage, retrieval3 and searching of what was stored in our libraries. There are three categories of the Project Gutenberg Library: Light Literature—such as Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking-Glass, A Christmas Carol4, Peter Pan, Aesop’s Fables, etc; Heavy Literature—such as the Bible or other religious documents, Shakespeare, Moby Dick, Paradise Lost, Heart of Darkness, etc; References—such as Roget’s Thesaurus5, almanacs6, dictionaries, encyclopedias7, etc. The Light Literature Collection is designed to get people to the computer in the first place, whether a preschooler or a great-grandparent. We ( Project Gutenberg team ) love to hear about kids or grandparents taking each other to an Etext to Peter Pan when they come back from watching HOOK at the movies, or when they read Alice in Wonderland after seeing it on TV. Nearly every Star Trek8 movie has quoted current Project Gutenberg Etext releases9. This was a primary10 concern when we chose the books for our libraries.





1. founder n. 創辦者

2. inspire v. 激勵,激發

3. retrieval n. 回復,挽回

4. carol n. 耶誕頌歌

5. thesaurus n. 同義字典

6. almanac n. 年鑑,年曆

7. encyclopedia n. 百科全書

8. trek n. (漫長而艱辛的)旅行,移居

9. release n.(文章、電影)新發表

10. primary adj. 主要的



( A ) 46. In which of the following categories can encyclopedias be found?

(A) References.                                                 (B) Heavy Literature.

(C) Journals.                                                      (D) Light Literature.


(A) 參考書籍。          (B) 經典文學。         (C) 期刊日誌。      (D) 輕鬆小品。

【解析】根據文章第三句,古騰堡計畫只分為三類,沒有期刊日誌 (Journals) 這一類,故 (C)錯;而在這三個類別裡,百科全書是屬於參考書籍類,故答案選 (A)


( C ) 47. Which of the following is considered Heavy Literature?

(A) Through the Looking-Glass.                      (B) A Christmas Carol.

(C) Heart of Darkness.                                                                     (D) Peter Pan.


(A)《鏡中奇緣》。      (B)《耶誕頌歌》。     (C)《黑暗之心》。  (D)《小飛俠彼得潘》。

【解析】《鏡中奇緣》、《耶誕頌歌》跟《小飛俠彼得潘》都是列在輕鬆小品裡,只有《黑暗之心》是列在經典文學中,故答案選 (C)


( D ) 48. What does the word it in line 11 refer to?

(A) Shakespeare.                                              (B) Moby Dick.

(C) Paradise Lost.                                            (D) Alice in Wonderland.

【翻譯】第11行的 it 指的是什麼?

(A)《莎士比亞》。      (B)《大白鯨》。         (C)《失樂園》。      (D)《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》。

【解析】這一整句是描述古騰堡計畫的目的,他們希望不論老少都可以因為看過電影,而想要去閱讀原著小說,因此這裡的 it (… or when they read Alice in Wonderland after seeing it on TV.),應該就是指與前面《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》小說同名的改編電影,故答案選 (D)


( B ) 49. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) How to buy and sell literary works through Gutenberg.

(B) The selection and the goal of Project Gutenberg Etexts.

(C) Project Gutenberg publishes copyrighted literary works.

(D) Project Gutenberg promotes intellectual property rights.


(A) 如何透過古騰堡買賣文學作品。

(B) 古騰堡計畫電子文本的選擇與目標。

(C) 古騰堡計畫出版有版權的文學作品。

(D) 古騰堡計畫推廣智慧財產權。

【解析】全文共分為三個部分,第一是介紹古騰堡計畫的創始人,第二是描述古騰堡計畫的選文分類,第三則是古騰堡計畫的目標,故最適合的答案為 (B)


( D ) 50. About Project Gutenberg, which of the following is mentioned in the passage?

(A) The Etexts should cost so little that no one will care how much they are.

(B) The Etexts should be so easily used that one can read and search them.

(C) Michael Hart was trying to take over the entire publishing industry.

(D) Project Gutenberg aims to encourage people to read Etexts from computers.


(A) 電子文本應該要很便宜,這樣才不會有人在乎它們要多少錢。

(B) 電子文本應該要操作簡單,這樣人人才可以閱讀及搜尋它們。

(C) 麥可哈特嘗試想要接管整個出版業。

(D) 古騰堡計畫的目標是鼓勵人們利用電腦閱讀電子文本。

【解析】本文最後一部分提到古騰堡計畫電子文本 (Etexts) 的目的,就是希望藉由選擇這些輕鬆小品因為它們通常都有改編電影讓看過電影的人們,可以進一步想去閱讀原著小說的電子文本,也就是鼓勵人們閱讀電子書。 


