統測歷屆試題 / 93試題詳解(遠東版)







( A ) 1.   For centuries, dogs are believed to be the best company to human beings.

(A) friend                   (B) animal                   (C) enemy                    (D) keeper


(A) 朋友                   (B) 動物                   (C) 敵人                     (D) 監護人

【解析】S be believed + to be/to V 一般相信……;人們相信……

company 同伴;伙伴                              human being 人類


( C ) 2.   If you ask students why they are late for class, their excuses will be very different.

(A) views                   (B) rights                    (C) reasons                  (D) voices


(A) 看法                   (B) 權利                   (C) 理由                     (D) 聲音

【解析】名詞子句 (why … class) ask的直接受詞,間接受詞是students

be late for … ……遲到的  à be late for work 上班遲到


( C ) 3.   Small vocabulary size usually prevents readers from fully understanding the text they read.

(A) closes                   (B) designs                 (C) stops                      (D) throws


(A) 關閉                   (B) 設計                   (C) 阻止                     (D) 丟擲

【解析】prevent sb. from V-ing 阻礙某人使不能做……

fully 完全;全然                                      text 正文;本文


( D ) 4.   In a traditional Chinese family, children have to give back to their family in return for the previous support.

(A) little                      (B) curious                 (C) main                       (D) former


(A) 少許的               (B) 好奇的               (C) 主要的                 (D) 之前的

【解析】traditional 傳統的                                     give back 回報

in return (for …) 回報……                       support 扶養


( D ) 5.   The summer in Taiwan is humid; the large quantity of water in the air makes it feel even hotter and more uncomfortable.

(A) clear                     (B) high                      (C) long                        (D) wet


(A) 清楚的               (B) 高的                   (C) 長的                     (D) 濕的

【解析】a/the large quantity of N 大量的某物

可修飾形容詞比較級的副詞有:evenfarmucha lot

uncomfortable 令人不舒服的


( B ) 6.   The benefits of vitamins and minerals are emphasized because they play an important role in maintaining good health.

(A) helping                 (B) keeping                (C) predicting               (D) starting


(A) 幫助                   (B) 保持                   (C) 預測                     (D) 開始

【解析】benefit 益處;好處                                  mineral 礦物質

play a(n) … role (in …) (在……方面)扮演……的角色


( D ) 7.   I usually have a busy schedule, but once in a while I spend a few days in the mountains.

(A) always                  (B) later                      (C) early                       (D) sometimes


(A) 總是                   (B) 稍後                   (C) 早先                     (D) 有時

【解析】schedule 預定;計畫                               once in a while 有時;偶爾


( C ) 8.   Lung cancer, one of the major killers in Taiwan, has long been associated with air pollution and smoking.

(A) dealt with             (B) grown into            (C) related to                (D) treated by


(A) 處理                   (B) 發展成               (C) 有關                     (D) 被對待

【解析】lung cancer 肺癌                                       major 主要的

associate 將……聯想在一起                  air pollution 空氣污染


( A ) 9.   Customers may pay ________ or use a credit card in major department stores.

(A) cash                     (B) change                  (C) tape                       (D) total


(A) 現金                   (B) 零錢                   (C) 膠帶                     (D) 總額

【解析】may 表許可,指「也可以……」,「做……也無妨」。

credit card 信用卡


( C ) 10. Writing is a very useful ________ for students. In the future, they can use it at different workplaces.

(A) belief                    (B) culture                  (C) skill                        (D) feature


(A) 信仰                   (B) 文化                   (C) 技巧                     (D) 特色

【解析】writing 寫作                                              in the future 未來

workplace 工作場合


( C ) 11. The problem was so difficult that most students could not ________ it.

(A) add                      (B) open                     (C) solve                      (D) create


(A) 增加                   (B) 打開                   (C) 解答                     (D) 創造

【解析】so + adj./adv. + that … 如此……以致於……

solve 解決;解答


( B ) 12. When in danger, most parents will do what they can to ________ their children from harm.

(A) help                      (B) protect                 (C) provide                  (D) handle


(A) 幫助                   (B) 保護                   (C) 提供                     (D) 處理

【解析】in danger 在危難中                                  protect sb. from sth.  保護某人免於……


( D ) 13. The British are the biggest ________ of chocolate; each person, on average, eats nearly 10 kilograms per year.

(A) producers             (B) growers                (C) managers                (D) consumers


(A) 製造者               (B) 栽培者               (C) 經理人                 (D) 消費者

【解析】on average 平均;一般而言                    nearly 幾乎;將近


( A ) 14. Office workers ________ from back problems because they tend to sit still for long periods of time.

(A) suffer                    (B) learn                     (B) move                      (D) transfer


(A) 遭受                   (B) 學習                   (C) 移動                     (D) 轉移

【解析】suffer from 受……之苦                            still 靜止的;不動的

a long/short period of time 一段長∕短時間


( A ) 15. The victim of the plane crash stayed ________ for two weeks, and then died last night.

(A) alive                     (B) central                  (C) obvious                  (D) rough


(A) 活著的               (B) 中央的               (C) 明顯的                 (D) 粗糙的

【解析】victim 受害者;犧牲者                           plane crash 墜機;空難

stay + adj. 保持……的狀態





( C ) 16. Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Mr. Li: Not quite yet.

Waiter: Oh, ____________, sir.

(A) I forgot to bring the check                       (B) please come again

(C) take your time                                        (D) the seat is taken




(A) 我忘了拿帳單過來                             (B) 請再次光臨

(C) 您慢慢看吧                                         (D) 這個座位有人

【解析】order 點(菜);訂(貨)                      not (quite) yet 還沒

check 帳單                                               take your time 不用急,慢慢來


( A ) 17. Jerome: Do you play the guitar?

Anthony: Of course.

Jerome: ____________

Anthony: Sure. I’d love to.

(A) Can you show me how to play it?           (B) How long have you been playing?

(C) How do you like it?                                (D) Do you play it often?





(A) 你可以彈給我看嗎?                         (B) 你彈多久了?

(C) 你覺得它如何?                                 (D) 你常彈嗎?

【解析】play + the 樂器名稱  演奏……樂器     would love/like + to (V) 想要(做……)

how long 多久……


( C ) 18. Andy: You don’t look well. What’s the matter?

Maria: ____________

Andy: Seems to me you need a good rest.

(A) It doesn’t matter to me.                          (B) Are you interested in it?

(C) I’ve got an awful headache.                    (D) Is it serous?




(A) 我無所謂。                                         (B) 你有興趣嗎?

(C) 我的頭好痛。                                     (D) 很嚴重嗎?

【解析】        What’s the matter (with you)? 你怎麼了?

It doesn’t matter. 沒關係。                      awful 嚴重的;很糟的


( B ) 19. Waitress: Would you like anything else?

Norma: Chocolate cake, please.

Waitress: O.K. ____________

(A) I hate chocolate cake.                             (B) I’ll be right back.

(C) I’m afraid I can’t.                                   (D) I like ice cream.




(A) 我討厭巧克力蛋糕。                         (B) 我馬上就回來。

(C) 恐怕我不能耶。                                 (D) 我喜歡冰淇淋。

【解析】anything else 其他別的東西                     be right back 馬上回來


( D ) 20. Allen: I’m leaving for Tokyo next Monday.

Eric: Next Monday? How long do you plan to stay there?

Allen: ____________

(A) Any time.                                                (B) Since I left.

(C) I’ve just arrived.                                     (D) For a couple of weeks.




(A) 隨時。                                                 (B) 自從我離開之後。

(C) 我才剛到達。                                     (D) 兩、三個禮拜。

【解析】leave for + 地方 前往某處                      arrive 抵達

a couple of + N 幾個……;兩三個……


( A ) 21. Bob: Stop! We can’t cross the street here.

Tom: ____________

Bob: We may get hit by a car.

Tom: Well, it doesn’t look dangerous to me at all.

(A) Why not?                                               (B) That’s right.

(C) How’s the traffic?                                   (D) We’ve got to go.





(A) 為什麼不行?                                     (B) 沒錯。

(C) 交通怎麼樣?                                     (D) 我們得走了。

【解析】cross 越過;跨過                                    get hit 被撞到

not … at all 一點也不……的                  have got to V 得做……;必須做……


( B ) 22. Mary: I’ve got great news. ____________

Judy: Well, what is it?

Mary: I have a week’s vacation next month, and I’m so excited!

Judy: Do you? That’s wonderful.

(A) This isn’t fair at all.                                  (B) You won’t believe it.

(C) The store is having a big sale.                  (D) John is having a party Friday night.





(A) 這一點也不公平。                             (B) 妳一定不會相信的。

(C) 這家店在大特賣。                             (D) 約翰禮拜五晚上要辦派對。

【解析】news 消息  à good news 好消息         a week’s vacation 一個禮拜的假期

fair 公平的                                               sale 特價


( B ) 23. Bill: This weather is really terrible, isn’t it?

Karen: I’ll say. The bus always seems to come late on rainy mornings.

Bill: ____________ It sure does.

 (A) You did.                                               (B) You bet.

 (C) I can’t do it.                                         (D) I’m afraid not.



比爾:____________ 的確是這樣。

(A) 你有。                                                 (B) 當然。

(C) 我做不到。                                         (D) 恐怕不行。

【解析】I’ll say. 當然。沒錯。                             rainy 下雨的;多雨的

You bet. 當然。那還用說。

It sure does. does 代替前句的 come late on rainy mornings


( D ) 24. (On the phone)

Eunice: Hello, my watch isn’t working.

Clerk: What’s wrong with it?

Eunice: It just stopped. Can you fix it?

Clerk: Well, ____________. I’ll have a look at it.

(A) it looks good                                          (B) get a new one

(C) it doesn’t seem real                                 (D) just bring it in






(A) 看起來好好的                                     (B) 買支新的吧

(C) 看起來不像是真的                             (D) 把它帶來就行了

【解析】work(機器等)運轉                              fix 修理

have a look at sth. 看一看某物


( A ) 25. Jean: Do you often eat out?

Eva: Only when I can get a babysitter.

Jean: I know. ____________

Eva: You can say that again!

(A) It’s not easy with children.                       (B) It’s too late to eat out now.

(C) The restaurant wasn’t quite good.           (D) The babysitter was out for dinner.





(A) 帶孩子很不容易。                             (B) 現在去外面吃太晚了。

(C) 那家餐廳不怎麼好。                         (D) 保母出去吃晚飯了。

【解析】eat out 在外用餐;外食                          only when … 只有當的……時候

babysitter 臨時保母                                 You can say that again! 你說的很對。





Halloween is a very special holiday. It always falls __26__ the last day of October. Originally it came from a Catholic holiday to honor all saints, __27__ the holiday customs are of non-Catholic origin. Today in the United States, Halloween is a __28__ holiday for children and grown-ups. Children dress up in __29__ and go from door to door “trick-or-treating.” Grown-ups give them a treat of candy, cookies, or money. __30__ the children don’t get a treat, they will sometimes play a trick on you. On this day __31__ is not unusual to see children dressed like witches, black cats, devils, and skeletons. __32__ custom is to hollow out a pumpkin and make a jack-o’-lantern. The jack-o’-lantern is then placed in the window with a candle inside. Children and grown-ups alike go to parties on this holiday.




Halloween 萬聖節                                            originally 原本;最初

Catholic 天主教的                                            saint 聖者;聖人

custom 風俗習慣                                             origin 起源

grown-up 大人;成年人                                 from door to door 挨家挨戶

treat 請客;招待                                             play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人

skeleton 骸骨                                                    hollow out 挖空

pumpkin 南瓜                                                   jack-o’-lantern 南瓜燈


( B ) 26. (A) in                         (B) on                        (C) at                           (D) with

【解析】fall on  適逢(某日)


( C ) 27. (A) or                         (B) so                         (C) but                         (D) for

【解析】連接詞前後二個句子的語意成對比︰萬聖節源自某個天主教節日,「但」此節日習俗的來源「卻」與天主教無關,故選 but


( A ) 28. (A) fun                       (B) tiny                       (C) silly                        (D) dark

【解析】(A) 有趣的             (B) 很小的               (C) 愚蠢的                 (D) 黑暗的


( D ) 29. (A) hats                      (B) shoes                    (C) watches                  (D) costumes

【解析】(A) 帽子                 (B) 鞋子                   (C) 手錶                     (D) 服裝

dress up in costumes  穿上(特殊的)服裝


( A ) 30. (A) If                          (B) And                      (C) Unless                    (D) Although

【解析】(A) 如果                 (B) 而且                   (C) 除非                     (D) 雖然


( A ) 31. (A) it                          (B) this                       (C) that                        (D) there

【解析】It is not unusual to + V  ……不是不尋常的;……是很普遍的

à it 代替後面的不定詞片語(to-V),當句子的先行主詞。


( D ) 32. (A) A                         (B) The                      (C) Other                     (D) Another

【解析】another + 單數名詞  另一個……  à other + 複數名詞  其他的……



New Zealand and Australia are often referred to as the “land down under.” The name grew __33__ the idea that these two countries are opposite or below Europe on the globe. While New Zealand and Australia are often linked, they are individual __34__.

New Zealand has its unique landscape; it is __35__ of two main islands, North Island and South Island. One of the most unusual and beautiful areas of New Zealand __36__ the volcanic region around Lake Taupo on North Island. There you will see boiling springs, small lakes with beds of __37__ colored rocks and waterfalls. In addition, dairy farming is most important to the country’s economy, and the New Zealanders eat more meat and butter than people __38__ else in the world. They also sell huge __39__ of dairy products to other countries. Many of the customs in New Zealand would be familiar to travelers from England and __40__ because New Zealand was settled by British settlers hundreds of years ago.





A be referred to as B  A被稱為B                   opposite 對面的

globe 地球                                                        individual 獨特的,特有的

unique 獨一無二的                                          landscape 風景;景色

unusual 不尋常的;罕見的                             volcanic 火山的

region 地域;地帶                                           spring

dairy farming 酪農業                                         dairy product 乳製品

settle 使定居;殖民於                                    settler 殖民者;移民


( C ) 33. (A) on                        (B) off                        (C) out of                     (D) over with

【解析】grow out of  由……而產生


( D ) 34. (A) companies            (B) combinations        (C) counters                 (D) countries

【解析】(A) 公司                 (B) 結合(物)       (C) 櫃檯                     (D) 國家


( A ) 35. (A) made up               (B) thrown into           (C) put off                    (D) sold out

【解析】(A) 組成                 (B) 丟進                   (C) 延後                     (D) 賣光

A be made up of B  A B 組成


( B ) 36. (A) have                     (B) is                          (C) has                         (D) are

【解析】主詞為oneof the + 複數名詞)「……之一」,故接單數動詞。


( D ) 37. (A) bright                   (B) brightness             (C) brighten                  (D) brightly

【解析】(A) 明亮的 (adj.)   (B) 明亮 (n.)            (C) 使變亮 (v.)          (D) 明亮地 (adv.)

brightly colored rocks五顏六色的石頭︰colored「彩色的」為形容詞,需用副詞brightly加以修飾。


( B ) 38. (A) anyway                (B) anywhere              (C) anyhow                  (D) anyone

【解析】(A) 無論如何         (B) 任何地方           (C) 不管如何             (D) 任何人

anywhere else  其他任何地方


( C ) 39. (A) farms                    (B) origins                  (C) amounts                 (D) peoples

【解析】(A) 農場                 (B) 來源                   (C) 數量                     (D) 人們

huge amounts of …  大量的……


( B ) 40. (A) China                   (B) America                (C) Korea                    (D) Japan

【解析】(A) 中國                 (B) 美國                   (C) 韓國                     (D) 日本

同紐西蘭般,美國亦是由英國人移民建立的國家,享有相同的文化背景,故選 (B)





Starting from 1989, World Vision Taiwan 30-Hour Famine has been helping people victimized by man-made conflicts and disasters. Through its network in 92 countries, World Vision delivers timely emergency goods and rebuilds the communities side by side with the people.

World Vision Taiwan 30-Hour Famine is simple to join. You may choose to skip a meal or save the unnecessary spending to make a donation; to contribute your support for Online Love and Hope at island-wide 7-Eleven stores; or to invite your friends and family to do the Famine together. The 30-Hour Famine is an event of creativity and inspiration!

As an example, the aim of 2002 World Vision Taiwan was to raise NT$100 million, of which 40 million was for domestic relief projects such as Love Your Neighbor and Community-based Disaster Preparedness, and 60 million for 18 international relief projects assisting 3.6 million people in 13 countries.

The 30-Hour Famine is ongoing. Be sure that you don’t miss it this year!







famine 飢荒                                                      victimize 使……受害;使……受苦

man-made 人造的;人為的                            conflict 衝突;戰鬥

disaster 災禍;災難                                         timely 適時的,及時的

emergency 緊急;危急                                    community 社區

side by side 肩並肩                                          unnecessary 不必要的;無用的

donation 捐款                                                   contribute 捐贈;捐助

inspiration 鼓舞;激勵                                     domestic 本國的;國內的

relief 救濟;賑濟                                             ongoing 進行中的


( A ) 41. The passage was written mainly to ask people to __________.

(A) join the 30-Hour Famine                         (B) deliver emergency goods

(C) start man-made conflicts                         (D) become more creative

本文的主要目的是要求人們 __________

(A) 加入飢餓三十活動                             (B) 運送緊急救援物資

(C) 引發人為衝突                                     (D) 變得更有創意

【解析】本題是測驗讀者對全篇大意之了解,而由第二段 (World Vision Taiwan 30-Hour Famine is simple to join …) 及最後一段 (The 30-Hour Famine is ongoing. Be sure that you don’t miss it this year!) 之敘述可知,答案應為 (A)


( D ) 42. Which of the following is NOT recommended in the passage for people to show their support for the 30-Hour Famine?

(A) Skip a meal.                                           (B) Make a donation to the Famine.

(C) Join the Famine with friends.                   (D) Develop relief projects.


(A) 一餐不吃                                             (B) 捐錢給飢餓三十

(C) 與朋友一起加入飢餓三十                 (D) 發展救助計劃

【解析】文章第二段中建議人們可用哪些方式來支持飢餓三十之活動 (You may choose to skip a meal or …),除 (D) 選項外,其他三種方式皆在其中。


( B ) 43. According to the passage, which of the following is true about World Vision Taiwan?

(A) It has been in operation for over 30 years.

(B) It is part of an international organization.

(C) It aims to help only the needy people in Taiwan.

(D) It encourages only one member in each family to join the Famine.


(A) 已經營運超過三十年。

(B) 是某個國際組織的一部份。

(C) 其目標為只救助台灣地區有需要幫助的人。

(D) 鼓勵每個家庭只派一個成員來參加飢餓三十。

【解析】由第二行之敘述 (Through its network in 92 countries) 可知,World Vision 為一國際性組織,故選 (B)

à (A) 文中並未提及台灣世界展望會是在何時成立的。

à (C) 由第三段敘述可知,台灣世界展望會的援助計劃遍及海內外。

à (D) 第七行中明白說明,歡迎攜(親)友帶伴來參加飢餓三十活動。


( C ) 44. In 2002, World Vision Taiwan spent 60% of the raised money on __________.

(A) Love Your Neighbor Project                   (B) Online Love and Hope Project

(C) international relief projects                      (D) 30-Hour Famine

二○○二年,台灣世界展望會將募得的錢百分之六十用於 __________

(A) 愛鄰方案                                             (B) 線上愛與希望方案

(C) 國際救助計劃                                     (D) 飢餓三十

【解析】第三段中說明二○○二年所募得的一億元中,有六千萬運用於十八個國際援助計劃中 (60 million for 18 international relief projects),佔總募得金額之百分之六十,故選 (C)


( B ) 45. The word victimized in line 1 most likely means “__________”.

(A) born with eye problems                          (B) made to suffer unfairly

(C) dying from cancer                                   (D) tired from overwork


(A) 一出生即患眼疾                                 (B) 因外力而遭受不公平的苦難

(C) 死於癌症                                             (D) 因工作過度而疲倦

【解析】動詞victimize 之意為「使受苦」、「使受害」,而由文中 victimized by man-made conflicts and disasters「因人為的紛爭、災禍而受苦」亦可大略推測,其意應最接近 (B)



Nuclear power stations are massive and complex structures. They are designed to withstand earthquakes and violent storms. They include special safety devices and systems that help to protect the plant, the people working in it and the public, even in the event of a serious accident. However, in spite of the preventive measures, accidents have occurred, for instance, at Three Mile Island in the USA and at Chernobyl in the former USSR. These accidents have raised questions in the minds of many people about the use of nuclear energy to produce electricity.

Therefore, some years ago scientists started to consider an alternative source of electrical energy—sunlight. Using sunlight as a source of energy offers considerable advantages. Light from the sun is practically inexhaustible; in other words, sunlight cannot be used up. It is available everywhere. Besides, changing sunlight into electrical energy does not demand fuel such as coal or oil. The system of converting solar energy into electrical energy would do very little damage to the environment.





nuclear 原子核(能)的                                 massive 大而重的;沈重的

withstand 耐得住;經得起                              violent 猛烈的;劇烈的

preventive 預防的                                             measure 措施;方法

alternative 代替的;可用以替換的                 considerable 相當多的;不少的

inexhaustible 用不完的;取之不盡的             use up 耗盡

fuel 燃料                                                           convert 轉變


( C ) 46. If a building withstands an earthquake, it is left __________ by the earthquake.

(A) damaged              (B) broken                 (C) unharmed               (D) eaten

如果一棟建築物可以「抵擋」地震,這就表示地震過後,這棟建築 __________

(A) 已被破壞           (B) 已經破損           (C) 毫髮無傷             (D) 被吃掉了

【解析】withstand 為「耐得住」、「經得起」之意——若建築物能抗震的話,便不會為地震所損害——故選 (C)


( A ) 47. The word plant in the first paragraph refers to the __________.

(A) nuclear power station                              (B) violent storm

(C) preventive measure                                 (D) safety device

第一段中的「廠房」指的是 __________

(A) 核能發電廠                                         (B) 狂風暴雨

(C) 預防措施                                             (D) 安全裝置

【解析】plant 在文中指的是前面所說的 nuclear power station/plant「核能發電廠」。


( B ) 48. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

(A) Accidents had never happened to nuclear power stations.

(B) A terrible accident happened at Chernobyl nuclear power station.

(C) Earthquakes and storms occurred at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.

(D) No safety devices were available at Three Mile Island nuclear power station.


(A) 核能發電廠從來沒有發生過意外。

(B) 車諾比核能發電廠曾經發生過一次可怕的意外。

(C) 三哩島與車諾比都曾經遭到地震與暴風的侵襲。

(D) 三哩島核能發電廠沒有任何安全裝置。

【解析】第4-5行中說明美國三哩島及蘇聯車諾比地區皆曾發生核能事故,故選 (B)


( C ) 49. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

(A) The supply of sunlight is limitless.

(B) Using sunlight as a source of energy can benefit mankind.

(C) Solar energy makes great use of fuel such as coal and natural gas.

(D) Changing sunlight into electrical energy would do little harm to the environment.


(A) 陽光的供應是無止盡的。

(B) 使用陽光作為能源對人類有益。

(C) 太陽能需要用到大量的燃料,如煤與天然氣。

(D) 將陽光變成電能對環境造成的傷害微乎其微。

【解析】文章第二段說明使用太陽能作為核能之替代能源的好處,如︰太陽能取之不竭 (inexhaustible)、到處皆可取得、將日光轉換成電能之過程不需要用到燃料,因而對環境的危害甚小等。由上觀之,唯有 (C) 為錯誤選項。

limitless 無限的;無限制的                     benefit 有益於……


( D ) 50. The second paragraph is mainly about __________.

(A) nuclear power plants                               (B) using sunlight to prevent accidents

(C) protecting the natural environment           (D) a new source of electrical energy

第二段主要是關於 __________

(A) 核能發電廠                                         (B) 利用陽光來預防意外

(C) 保護自然環境                                     (D) 電能的新來源

【解析】本題測驗第二段之大意,可由其主題句(一般為開頭句)看出︰幾年前科學家開始考慮另一種替代性能源,即太陽能 (an alternative source of electrical energy— sunlight),故選 (D)


