統測歷屆試題 / 94試題詳解(遠東版)







( A ) 1.   For over 2000 years, paper has been used as a major tool of communication; however, e-mail today has become a ________ practice.

(A) common               (B) difficult                 (C) last                         (D) traditional

兩千多年以來,紙一直是互通音訊的主要工具;不過現在電子郵件反而變成一種 普遍的作法。

(A) 普遍的,常見的                                  (B) 困難的                 (C) 最後的       (D) 傳統的

【解析】be used as … 被當成……使用               major 主要的

practice 實行;實施


( B ) 2.   John ran into ________ when he tried to expand his new business too quickly.

(A) stock                    (B) trouble                  (C) market                   (D) floor


(A) 股票                   (B) 麻煩                   (C) 市場                     (D) 地板

【解析】run into sth. 遭遇……;陷入……


( B ) 3.   According to research, good leaders are made, not ________; one learns to be a leader by observing other leaders.

(A) stood                   (B) born                     (C) lent                         (D) moved


(A) 站立的               (B) 天生的               (C) 借出的                 (D) 覺得感動的

【解析】make 變成,成為                                    by + V-ing 藉由做……


( C ) 4.   The businessman is very ________; he gives money to those who are in need of help.

(A) dependent            (B) expensive             (C) generous                (D) rapid


(A) 依賴的               (B) 昂貴的               (C) 慷慨的                 (D) 快速的

【解析】those who … 那些……的人                    in need of 需要……


( B ) 5.   This piece of land is ________ for wild animals and plants; it is not open for the general public.

(A) shocked               (B) reserved               (C) responded              (D) smelled


(A) 被震驚               (B) 被保留               (C) 被回應                 (D) 被聞到

【解析】open 開放的,未限制的                         general 一般的;普遍的


( A ) 6.   If we don’t have good telephone ________, we may sound impolite to other people on the phone.

(A) manners               (B) marks                   (C) bills                        (D) bases


(A) 禮儀                   (B) 標誌                   (C) 帳單                     (D) 基地;基礎

【解析】manners 固定為複數用法,表「禮儀,禮節」  à table manners 餐桌禮儀


( C ) 7.   These three wooden boxes are ________; they are of the same size, shape, and color.

(A) remote                 (B) real                       (C) similar                    (D) vague


(A) 遙遠的               (B) 真實的               (C) 相似的,類似的  (D) 模楜的

【解析】wooden 木質的                                        shape 形狀,外形


( A ) 8.   The high risk of getting lung cancer still cannot ________ people from smoking.

(A) discourage            (B) repeat                   (C) discover                 (D) emerge


(A) 勸阻,阻攔       (B) 重覆                   (C) 發現                     (D) 出現

【解析】risk 風險                                                   lung cancer 肺癌

discourage sb. from … 使某人打消(做某事的)念頭


( C ) 9.   Vocational high school students should have greater ________ in themselves in order to learn English well.

(A) influence               (B) dependence          (C) confidence              (D) performance


(A) 影響                   (B) 依賴                   (C) 信心                     (D) 表現;表演

【解析】vocational 職業的                                     have confidence in …  對……有信心

in order to  為了……


( C ) 10. Last month, fifty couples, who were married for fifty years and more, ________ their golden anniversary in the city hall.

(A) contributed           (B) confirmed             (C) celebrated              (D) combined


(A) 貢獻                   (B) 確認                   (C) 慶祝                     (D) 合併

【解析】golden anniversary  五十週年紀念日(金婚)

à silver anniversary  二十五週年紀念日(銀婚)

àdiamond anniversary  六十週年紀念日(鑽石婚,有時指七十五週年)


( B ) 11. It is a long ________ from Taipei to New York. It takes more than 15 hours to fly.

(A) drive                    (B) trip                       (C) walk                       (D) run


(A) 車程                   (B) 旅行,旅程       (C) 路程,步行         (D)(尤指短程)旅行

【解析】take (+ 一段時間) 需要(……時間)   fly 搭飛機


( B ) 12. Because his speech was ________, the audience gave him a big hand.

(A) meaningless          (B) flawless                (C) useless                   (D) helpless


(A) 無意義的           (B) 完美無瑕的       (C) 沒有用的             (D) 無助的

【解析】hand 鼓掌                                               

-less 字尾表示「沒有……的」 à careless  粗心的、hopeless 無望的


( A ) 13. You can find a great ________ of books and magazines in the library.

(A) variety                  (B) blank                    (C) excuse                    (D) crew


(A) 種類                   (B) 空白;空格       (C) 藉口                     (D) 機組人員

【解析】a variety of  各種的                                 a great/wide/large variety of  種類繁多的


( D ) 14. She is ________ regular treatment for her illness. And she is making great progress.

(A) falling                   (B) sending                 (C) living                      (D) receiving


(A) 落下                   (B) 寄送                   (C) 生活                     (D) 接受

【解析】regular 定期的;例行的                          treatment 治療

make progress 有進步


( C ) 15. My cellphone is low on battery; it keeps beeping to remind me of ________ it.

(A) relaxing                (B) recycling               (C) recharging              (D) reviewing


(A) 放鬆                   (B) 回收                   (C) 充電                     (D) 復習

【解析】battery 電池                                              beep 發出嗶嗶聲

remind sb. of … 提醒某人……,使某人想起……





( B ) 16. Don: Would you mind not smoking in here?

John: ____________ Where can I smoke?

Don: Anywhere outside the building.

(A) No, I’m not.                                           (B) Oh, I’m sorry.

(C) Oh, you would.                                      (D) No, you can’t.


約翰:____________ 那我可以在哪裡抽?


(A) 不,我不是。                                     (B) 噢!對不起。

(C) 噢!你會介意的。                             (D) 不,你不能介意。

【解析】mind 介意                                                 mind + (not) V-ing 請(不要)做……


( D ) 17. Secretary: Good morning, Johnson’s Computer.

Peter: Hello. May I speak to Manager Chen, please?

Secretary: I’m sorry. He’s not in right now. ____________

Peter: Yes. This is Peter Li. Please tell him to call back.

(A) He’s always busy.                                   (B) What’s your name?

(C) It’s a pity.                                               (D) May I take a message?





(A) 他總是很忙。                                     (B) 貴姓大名?

(C) 真可惜。                                             (D) 可以幫您留言嗎?

【解析】right now 現在                                          this is … (電話用語)我是(某人)

call back 回電                                           take a message 記下訊息


( D ) 18. Victor: What kind of movies do you like?

Linda: I like action movies. They’re so exciting!

Victor: But ____________. Well, you know sometimes action movies can be very bloody.

(A) I seldom have time                                  (B) I don’t have homework

(C) I also like action movies                          (D) I prefer comedies



維克特:但是 ____________。這個嘛,妳也知道動作片有時很血腥。

(A) 我很少有時間                                     (B) 我沒有回家作業

(C) 我也喜歡動作片                                 (D) 我比較喜歡喜劇片

【解析】action movie 動作片                                 bloody 血腥的;嗜血的

comedy 喜劇


( A ) 19. Phil: So, do you have brothers?

Olive: I have two.

Phil: ____________

Olive: Yes, they do. They live just down the street.

(A) Do they live close by?                             (B) Have you talked to each other?

(C) Do you play together?                            (D) Have they called you lately?





(A) 他們住附近嗎?                                 (B) 你們一直有跟對方說話嗎?

(C) 你們有一起玩嗎?                             (D) 他們最近有打電話給你嗎?

【解析】close by (+ N) 在(某處)附近              lately 最近


( D ) 20. Amanda: I need a big favor from you.

Yoko: What favor?

Amanda: Could I borrow a hundred dollars?

Yoko: No way! ____________

(A) I’ll give it to you now.                             (B) I have a lot of money.

(C) I want to help you.                                  (D) I’m broke myself.





(A) 我現在就給妳。                                 (B) 我有很多錢。

(C) 我要幫妳忙。                                     (D) 我自己都破產了。

【解析】favor 幫忙;請求 à ask a favor of sb. 請求某人幫忙

no way 絕對不行;不要                         broke 一文不名的;破產的


( B ) 21. Jack: Andy, it’s me, Jack.

Andy: Hi, Jack. ____________

Jack: Nothing special. I’m calling to remind you of the game.

(A) Who’s this?                                            (B) What’s new?

(C) Who’s speaking?                                    (D) Where is it?




(A) 你哪邊找?                                         (B) 最近怎麼樣啊?

(C) 你哪位?                                             (D) 它在哪裡?

【解析】What’s new? 【口】最近怎樣?(為打招呼用語)

= What’s up? / How’s it going? / Anything new?

Jack 的回答也可說成 Not much.(沒什麼)

remind 提醒


( A ) 22. Johnson: This headache is killing me.

Cathy: ____________

Johnson: No. I don’t like to take painkillers.

(A) Did you take any medicine?                    (B) Did you drink too much coffee?

(C) Did you work too hard?                         (D) Did you stay up late?




(A) 你吃藥了嗎?                                     (B) 你是不是咖啡喝太多了?

(C) 你是不是工作太拼命了?                 (D) 你是不是熬夜到很晚?

【解析】kill 【口】(造成某人)很大的痛苦      take 服用(藥物)

painkiller 止痛劑                                       stay up 熬夜不睡


( A ) 23. Jennifer: ____________ When did you last see her?

Julia: Last year, at the reunion.

Jennifer: Really? How’s she doing?

(A) I haven’t seen Jane for years.                  (B) I met Jane yesterday.

(C) I have been to Jane’s place recently.        (D) I had dinner with Jane last night.

珍妮佛:____________ 妳上次是什麼時候看到她的?



(A) 我多年沒見到珍了。                         (B) 我昨天見到珍。

(C) 我最近有到珍住的地方去過。         (D) 我昨晚和珍吃飯。

【解析】have been to 曾經去過……(但人現在不在那裡)

à have gone to 已經去了……(現在人在那裡)


( C ) 24. James: Are you going somewhere tomorrow?

Harry: ____________

James: Neither do I. Let’s just stay at home.

(A) It depends on the weather.                      (B) Tainan is too far for me.

(C) I don’t feel like going anywhere.              (D) I’m going to the library.




(A) 看天氣怎樣再決定。                         (B) 台南對我來說太遠了。

(C) 我哪裡都不想去。                             (D) 我要去圖書館。

【解析】neither 也不;也沒有  à neither為否定副詞,置句首時句子需倒裝。

James 的回答可改作 I don’t, either.        depend on … 視……而定


( B ) 25. Sarah: What do you do for a living?

Philip: ____________

Sarah: You must be very busy then.

(A) I’m 50 years old.                                    (B) I’m a doctor.

(C) I live a good life.                                     (D) I live in Taiwan.




(A) 我今年五十歲。                                 (B) 我是個醫生。

(C) 我的日子過得很好。                         (D) 我住在台灣。

【解析】living 生計;謀生                                    

must be + adj. 一定是……的  à must + V 一定;必定





Job hunters need many skills. They need to know where to look for a job, and they need to be able to write clear, complete information about themselves in letters of application. __26__, they need to know how to transfer this information on to a job application form. Furthermore, they need to know __27__ to get information about a job over the telephone. And __28__, job seekers must know the techniques of a job interview.

First, where to find a job? Jobs can be found in the daily newspaper, in the __29__ advertisement section, as well as on the Internet. Many find jobs by networking––that is, they let their friends and relatives know that they are looking for a job. Networking is increasingly popular, and, __30__, it often works.

Once a possible job has been found, what should job hunters do? First, they must learn all about the job and ask themselves these questions: Am I qualified for this job? Do I want this job? Is it challenging? Is it interesting? Does it pay well? If all __31__ are answered positively, then the next step the applicants need to do is to apply for the job. Nearly every job __32__ some forms of written application. Most job application forms ask for similar information about __33__ data, including educational background, employment history, and references.






look for 找尋                                                    complete 完整的

a letter of application 求職信                             job application form 應徵表格

technique 技巧;技術                                      classified advertisement 分類廣告

relative 親戚                                                     qualified 有資格的;適任的

challenging 具有挑戰性的                                applicant 應徵者;申請人

employment 就業;雇用                                  reference 推薦人;推薦函


( D ) 26. (A) In sum                  (B) In contrast            (C) In time                    (D) In addition

【解析】(A) 總之                 (B) 反之                   (C) 及時                     (D) 還有

開頭點出求職者需具備many skills,接下來則分點說明,因此由句意可知需選擇一個帶有「另外,還有」意涵的副詞片語,以表示補充說明,所以選 ( D )


( A ) 27. (A) how                     (B) what                     (C) that                        (D) it

【解析】由上下句意可得知問的是方法,所以答案選 (A)


( D ) 28. (A) assembly              (B) hardly                   (C) closely                    (D) finally

【解析】(A) 集會                 (B) 幾乎不               (C) 接近地                 (D) 最後

第一段在說明求職者需要知道之事,而這一句所講的是最後一項,故選 (D)


( B ) 29. (A) classical                (B) classified               (C) classicist                 (D) classicism

【解析】(A) 古典的             (B) 分類的               (C) 古典主義者         (D) 古典主義

classified advertisement 分類廣告

section(報紙的)欄,版  à entertainment/sports section 娛樂/體育版


( A ) 30. (A) best of all             (B) not at all               (C) once and for all       (D) all over

【解析】(A) 最好的是         (B) 一點也不           (C) 一勞永逸地         (D) 遍及……

由句意判斷,increasingly popular(愈來愈普遍)與後句的 it often works(通常管用)之間的關聯,應填上本片語。


( C ) 31. (A) ones                     (B) what                     (C) these                      (D) whose

【解析】指定代名詞 these 等於第三段第二行的 these questions


( B ) 32. (A) admits                  (B) requires                (C) searches                 (D) teaches

【解析】(A) 承認                 (B) 要求                   (C) 尋找                     (D) 教導

require + O 需要某物  à require + V-ing 需要做……;有必要做……


( C ) 33. (A) anxious                 (B) creative                (C) personal                 (D) dependent

【解析】(A) 擔心的             (B) 有創意的           (C) 個人的                 (D) 依賴的

including (包含)之後的項目得知,教育背景、工作經驗等均屬「個人」 (personal) 資料。



Since the invention of the Internet, many people have predicted a paperless society. This __34__ has come to reality as people use the Internet to read newspapers, send and receive e-mails, and access information. __35__, here are others who doubt that computer technology will ever lead to a paperless society.

People who see the coming of a paperless society believe that the Internet and e-mail will one day __36__ people’s use of paper. Because the Internet allows people to read newspapers and access many databases online, they don’t have to use paper to get needed information. __37__, they don’t have to actually buy a paper copy of the document. With e-mails, people don’t need to use paper to send and receive letters and messages. Furthermore, the writing and editing process __38__ on a computer, and therefore people don’t need to use paper.

But there are others who believe that a paperless society will not become a reality despite the usefulness of the Internet and e-mail. Many people still use paper because both the Internet and e-mail can be a vehicle for __39__ to spread. Others rely only on paper for important documents because of __40__ concerns. They are worried that their personal messages might be read by someone else.






invention 發明                                                   predict 預測;預言

come to reality 成真;實現                              access 取得;利用

lead to 導致(………的狀態、結果)          database 資料庫

vehicle 媒介物                                                  rely on 依賴;依靠

concern 擔心;憂慮


( C ) 34. (A) contact                 (B) mail                      (C) prediction               (D) computer

【解析】(A) 接觸                 (B) 郵件                   (C) 預測                     (D) 電腦

前句 predict(預測)為動詞,因此本題選該字的名詞。


( A ) 35. (A) However              (B) Moreover             (C) Therefore               (D) Whatever

【解析】(A) 然而                 (B) 此外                   (C) 因此                     (D) 不論什麼

上文是預測無紙社會來臨的人,下文則是不同意的人,前後句意的概念相反,故答案選 (A)


( D ) 36. (A) cause                   (B) attract                   (C) occur                     (D) replace

【解析】(A) 造成                 (B) 吸引                   (C) 發生                     (D) 取代

相信無紙社會即將來臨的人相信網路和電子郵件將會取代 (replace) 紙。


( B ) 37. (A) In case                 (B) That is                  (C) Unless                    (D) Though

【解析】(A) 假使                 (B) 也就是說           (C) 除非                     (D) 雖然

下文的 they don’t have to actually buy a paper copy of the document是上文 they don’t have to use paper to get needed information 的補充說明,故選 (B)


( B ) 38. (A) had done              (B) is done                 (C) was doing               (D) will do

【解析】因編寫過程不會自己完成而是被人完成的,所以此句要用被動式,故選 (B)。原句為 The writing and editing process is done (by people) on a computer.


( C ) 39. (A) letters                   (B) papers                  (C) viruses                    (D) steps

【解析】(A) 信件                 (B) 報紙;報告       (C)(電腦)病毒       (D) 腳步

網路與電子郵件是散布電腦病毒 (viruses) 的媒介。


( D ) 40. (A) social                   (B) gentle                   (C) dressing                  (D) privacy

【解析】(A) 社會的             (B) 溫和的               (C) 穿衣                     (D) 隱私(權)






Nature is full of examples of cycles. The seasons come and go in a cycle of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The days move in cycles of day and night. And all living things live, grow, and die in cycles. For example, a sapling grows tall and strong. Then, one spring, the tree blossoms. These flowers later turn into fruit or other types of seeds. When these seeds fall, they land on the ground. The seeds can then grow. If the seeds get enough sunlight and rain, they will become young trees. As the trees blossom, the cycle repeats itself.

Rain also occurs in cycles. Water evaporates from the oceans and rises into the sky. This means that the ocean water is warmed by the sun and some of it rises into the air. When enough water has gathered together, big rain clouds form. The clouds will release or drop the water. The rain falls on land and ocean alike. When the rain falls on land, the ground soaks up some of it. If a lot of rain falls, the runoff flows into streams, rivers, and lakes. This water, in turn, flows into the oceans. When some of this water evaporates into the air, the cycle repeats itself.





cycle 循環;週期                                            sapling 樹苗

blossom 開花                                                    turn into 轉變為

evaporate 蒸發                                                 gather 集合;聚集

release 釋放                                                      drop 滴下

alike 同樣地                                                     soak up 吸收

runoff 未被土地吸收的雨水


( B ) 41. This passage is mainly about __________.

(A) the growth of trees                                  (B) the cycles of nature

(C) the falling of the rain                                (D) the seasons of the year

本文主要是關於 __________

(A) 樹木的生長                                         (B) 大自然的循環週期

(C) 雨水的降落                                         (D) 一年四季

【解析】本文第一句 Nature is full of examples of cycles 即點出主題,而其他只是各種例子,故答案選 (B)


( A ) 42. The underlined word sapling in this passage most likely refers to “__________.

(A) young tree            (B) small child             (C) growing cycle         (D) living thing

本文所畫線的單字 sapling(樹苗)最有可能是指 __________

(A) 年輕的樹木       (B) 小孩子               (C) 成長的週期         (D) 有生命的東西

【解析】從後句 Then, one spring, the tree blossoms. 可推斷應該與「樹」有關,再加上所搭配動詞為 grow(成長),故答案選 (A)


( D ) 43. The underlined word evaporates in this passage most likely means “__________.”

(A) falls                                                        (B) melts

(C) turns from air into water                          (D) rises from water into air

本文所畫線的單字 evaporates(蒸發)最有可能的意思是 __________

(A) 落下                                                     (B) 融化

(C) 從空氣變成水                                     (D) 從水變成空氣

【解析】根據這一句 Water evaporates from the oceans and rises into the sky. 可以推斷方向是從海洋到天空。因此答案為 (D)


( C ) 44. Based on the passage, what happens right after a tree blossoms?

(A) A new tree grows.                                  (B) The tree dies.

(C) The flowers turn into seeds.                    (D) The seeds fall to the ground.


(A) 長出一株新樹。                                 (B) 這棵樹就會死亡。

(C) 開花結籽。                                         (D) 種子掉到地面上。

【解析】由第一段第四行 These flowers later turn into fruit or other types of seeds. 可知在開花後,花會結果或結籽,故選 (C)


( B ) 45. Based on the passage, what is one effect of evaporation?

(A) The oceans rise.                                     (B) Big rain clouds form.

(C) Trees blossom.                                       (D) The skies become clear.


(A) 海洋升起。                                         (B) 形成巨大的雨雲。

(C) 樹木開花。                                         (D) 天空變得清澈。

【解析】第二段第三句 … the ocean water is warmed by the sun and some of it rises into the air.升到天空中的是海水,不是海本身,故 (A) 錯。(C) 錯誤,因為跟樹無關。(D) 在文中不曾提到。故答案為 (B)



A strong, healthy body can do an amazing job of resisting disease. There are many things you can do to keep your body healthy. Eating proper foods is one of the effective ways. A balanced diet gives the body the nutrients it needs to function properly.

Getting plenty of sleep is another good way. A tired, run-down body does not function efficiently and is like a car that needs a tune-up. Sleep refreshes the body and restores the energy necessary to fight disease.

Exercise is also important in reducing stress and keeping the body healthy. Regular, moderate exercise, such as running, dancing, swimming, biking or playing a sport, will relieve muscle tension, keep the muscles firm, and make the heart and blood vessels healthy. Exercise, like sleep, makes the body function more efficiently. People who exercise regularly can even strengthen their hearts.






amazing 驚人的;令人稱奇的                        resist 抵抗;對抗

proper 適當的,適宜的                                  balanced 平衡的;均衡的

nutrient 營養品;營養物                                 function 發生效用;起作用

run-down 疲憊的;健康不佳的                     tune-up(引擎等的)調節

refresh 使提神                                                  restore 使恢復

moderate 適度的;溫和的                              relieve 緩和;減輕

tension 緊張                                                      blood vessel 血管


( D ) 46. What would be the most appropriate title for this passage?

(A) Doing proper exercise                            (B) Getting sufficient sleep

(C) Keeping a balanced diet                         (D) Staying healthy


(A) 做適當的運動                                     (B) 獲得充足睡眠

(C) 保持飲食均衡                                     (D) 維持健康

【解析】(A)(B)(C) 三種方法在文中都有提及,因此標題需要一個可以概括這三個方法的題目。故答案選 (D)


( B ) 47. How many general ways are discussed in this passage to effectively fight disease?

(A) Two                     (B) Three                   (C) Four                       (D) Five


(A) 兩種                   (B) 三種                   (C) 四種                     (D) 五種



( D ) 48. According to the passage, what is strongly suggested?

(A) Tune up your car.                                    (B) Have more refreshments.

(C) Talk to your doctor.                                (D) Do moderate exercise.


(A) 保養你的車子。                                 (B) 多吃些點心。

(C) 跟你的醫生談談。                             (D) 適度運動。

【解析】本文提到均衡飲食、充足睡眠及適度運動是抵抗疾病的不二法門,跟保養車子、點心 (refreshments) 一點關係也沒有,更從未提到醫生,因此答案為 (D)


( C ) 49. According to the passage, exercising regularly can do all of the following EXCEPT ________.

(A) reducing stress

(B) preventing heart disease

(C) giving the body necessary nutrients

(D) keeping the blood vessel function properly

根據本文,定期運動可以達到下列各種目的,除了 ________ 以外。

(A) 減輕壓力                                             (B) 預防心臟疾病

(C) 提供身體所需營養                             (D) 保持血管運作正常

【解析】除了 (C) 是屬於第一段均衡飲食的範疇外,(A)(B)(D) 都在第三段提到是運動的好處,故答案選 (C)


( B ) 50. The underlined word it most likely refers to ________.

(A) the disease                                             (B) the body

(C) a balanced diet                                       (D) an amazing job

畫線的字 it(它)最有可能指 ________

(A) 疾病                                                     (B) 身體

(C) 均衡的飲食                                         (D) 很不錯的辦法

【解析】原句為 A balanced diet gives the body the nutrients which/that it needs to function properly. 由於關係代名詞 which/that 作為 need 的受詞而被省略。根據關係子句,表示 it 需要這些營養才能運作正常,因此 it 代替的是 the body


