統測歷屆試題 / 99試題詳解(遠東版)




I. 字彙題:第16題,每題均有一個劃底線的字詞,請在四個選項中,選擇一個與劃底線的字詞意義最接近的答案。第715題,請選擇一個最適合的答案,以完成該句。


( A )  1.  In a car accident, you are more likely to escape injury if you are wearing a seatbelt, which prevents you from being thrown out of the car.

(A) avoid                    (B) prepare               (C) damage               (D) indicate


(A) 避免;防止       (B) 準備                  (C) 傷害;損害      (D) 指示

【解析】be (more) likely to V … = It is (more) likely (that) …. (很)可能……

prevent sb./sth. from V-ing 防止……         throw out 投出;丟出


( B )  2.  Some bus drivers might feel sleepy while driving, which can endanger passengers on the bus.

(A) climbers               (B) travelers              (C) retailers               (D) founders


(A) 攀爬者;登山者                                (B) 旅客;旅行者

(C) 零售商                                                (D) 創辦者;設立者

【解析】while + V-ing … = while S + V … ……時,此句可寫為 Some bus drivers might feel sleep while they are driving, which ….,因主詞相同,故可省略,僅保留分詞。

which 為關係代名詞,在此代替 drivers might feel sleepy … 這一整件事。

sleepy 睏的;想睡的                                endanger 使……陷於危險


( B )  3.  Tom tried to persuade Annie to go on a date with him, but she wouldn’t go.

(A) supply                  (B) convince              (C) defeat                  (D) expose


(A) 提供;供應       (B) 說服;使信服  (C) 打敗;擊敗      (D) 暴露

【解析】try 努力;嘗試

à try + to V 設法(努力)做……;try + V-ing 嘗試做;試試看……

go on a date 約會


( B )  4.  Sally’s mother became very distressed when Sally said she was quitting school, and would work full-time in a restaurant.

(A) silent                    (B) unhappy              (C) obvious               (D) guilty


(A) 安靜的                                                (B) 感到悲傷的;難過的

(C) 明顯的;顯著的                                (D) 內疚的

【解析】become + adj./N/p.p. 變得……                quit 停止;放棄

full-time 全職地


( D )  5.  Andrew is now working at a factory, but his dream is to possess a business run by himself.

(A) allow                    (B) hit                        (C) depend                (D) own


(A) 允許;准許       (B) 打;敲              (C) 依靠;信賴      (D) 有;擁有

【解析】but 為對等連接詞,用以連接相反或矛盾的字、詞、片語或句子,表「但是;然而」。

run a business 經營公司/企業


( C )  6.  You might fail in pursuit of your goals, but the lessons you learn from each failure will help you to eventually succeed.

(A) easily                    (B) readily                 (C) finally                  (D) simply


(A) 容易地;輕易地                                (B) 欣然;樂意地

(C) 最後;終於                                        (D) 簡單地;簡易地

【解析】in pursuit of + N 追求……                        learn from … 從……學習

help sb. (to) V 幫助某人……,to 常可省略不寫。


( D )  7.  As airplane pilots fly for many long hours, they are ________ for the safety of hundreds of people on board.

(A) understandable     (B) changeable          (C) believable            (D) responsible


(A) 可理解的                                            (B) 易變的;可改變的

(C) 可信賴的;可信的                            (D) 負責的;承擔責任的

【解析】pilot (飛機等的)駕駛員                       be responsible for … ……負責的

safety 安全                                                on board 在船、飛機上


( B )  8.  Based on their study results, scientists have found that there is a close ________ between stressful jobs and increased illness.

(A) reflection              (B) connection           (C) attention              (D) medication


(A) 反射;投影                                        (B) 關聯;連結

(C) 專心;注意力                                    (D) 藥物;藥物治療

【解析】based on + N 根據……

have + p.p. 現在完成式,表從過去到現在已經完成的動作或狀態

connection between/with A and B  A B 之間的關聯

stressful 緊張的;壓力重的


( D )  9.  A producer for a popular television show is always looking for people with unusual ________ to perform on the show.

(A) reasons                (B) courts                  (C) platforms             (D) talents


(A) 理由;原因       (B) 法院;法庭      (C) 月台;講台      (D) 才藝;才能

【解析】producer (電視、戲劇等的)製作人

look for 尋找                                             with + N ……(特質)


( C ) 10. More and more students ________ that with a good knowledge of English, they will have more opportunities to find a good job.

(A) delay                    (B) launch                  (C) realize                 (D) bother


(A) 耽擱;延誤                                        (B) 發射(火箭等);發動

(C) 了解;理解                                        (D) 煩擾;操心

【解析】more and more + N 愈來愈多的……

realize/understand/know/learn that … 瞭解/明白/知道/得知……

with + N 擁有……(條件)


( D ) 11. Some students might be expelled from schools for ________ their computers, such as illegal downloads.

(A) improving             (B) entering               (C) remaining             (D) misusing


(A) 改善;增進       (B) 進入                  (C) 剩下;餘留      (D) 誤用;濫用

【解析】for + N/V-ing (表原因)由於……;因為……

expel … from … ……逐出……           such as 例如;像…… 


( D ) 12. Doctors point out that stress, ________, and lack of friends can have a negative influence on sick people.

(A) fitness                   (B) kindness              (C) goodness             (D) loneliness


(A) 適當;恰當       (B) 仁慈;和藹      (C) 善良;仁慈      (D) 寂寞;孤獨

【解析】point out 指出                                            lack of 缺乏;缺少

have a(n) … influence on … ……造成……影響


( C ) 13. David is now the best student in high school. It’s ________ that he will get a scholarship to the state university.

(A) available               (B) various                (C) certain                 (D) doubtful


(A) 可利用的;可取得的                        (B) 各式各樣的

(C) 確定的;無疑的                                (D) 懷疑的;不確定的

【解析】It’s certain that + S + V ……是確定的     scholarship 獎學金

state university (特指美國的)州立大學


( D ) 14. The weather changes so ________ that no one can accurately predict what it will be like the next day.

(A) properly               (B) skeptically           (C) rationally             (D) constantly


(A) 適當地;恰當地                                (B) 懷疑地

(C) 理性地                                                (D) 不斷地;常常

【解析】so adj./adv. + that 子句  ……以致於……

predict/foresee/forecast/… + wh-子句  預測/預料……

the next day 隔天


( A ) 15. If you want to eat in that popular restaurant on weekend, you’d better make a reservation in ________.

(A) advance               (B) address               (C) amount                (D) account


(A) 進步;進展       (B) 演講;致詞      (C) 總計;總額      (D) 帳戶;戶頭

【解析】If + S + 現在式 V, S + 情態助動詞 + V ….  (假設語氣)如果……

you’d better + V = you had better + V 你最好……

reservation 預約                                         in advance 事先



II. 對話題:第1625題,請依對話內容,選出一個最適合的答案,使其成為有意義的對話。


( C ) 16. Cashier: Your total is NT $ 699.

Customer: _______________

Cashier: Yes, Ma’am. Then that’s NT $ 599.

Customer: Do you take credit card?

Cashier: Sure.

(A) I don’t have cash. (B) Do you need a bag?

(C) I have these coupons.                         (D) May I use the shopping cart?






(A) 我沒有現金。                                 (B) 你需要一個袋子嗎?

(C) 我有這些折價券。                         (D) 我可以用購物車嗎?

【解析】cashier 櫃台收銀員;出納員                total 總計;總額

                ma’am (店員對女性顧客的尊稱)小姐;太太

coupon 折價券;優待卷                          cart (購物用的)小型手推車


( A ) 17. Bill: Jean, I’m sorry. I can’t come over today. I have a sore throat.

Jean: Oh, no! Your voice sounds funny. When did you get sick?

Bill: _______________

Jean: I’m sorry to hear that.

(A) Just this morning.  (B) I guess I have a fever.

(C) I’ll go to the doctor later.                    (D) I don’t think it’s funny.





(A) 就在今天早上。                             (B) 我猜我發燒了。

(C) 我晚一點會去看醫生。                 (D) 我不覺得這很有趣。

【解析】come over(順道)到……;至……    sore throat 喉嚨痛

funny 奇怪的;奇特的

I am sorry to hear that. 我很難過聽到……,指聽者對說話者所提到之事表悲傷或同情之意


( B ) 18. Boy: Mom, can we ride on the roller coaster?

Mother: Of course, we can.

Boy: Can we go on the Ferris wheel, too?

Mother: _______________

Boy: What? Mom, that’s for babies!

(A) You can go alone if you really want to.

(B) Sure. But let’s try the merry-go-round first.

(C) I am afraid that we don’t have time for that.

(D) Sorry. It is under construction.






(A) 如果你真的想去的話,你可以自己去。

(B) 當然。不過我們先去玩旋轉木馬吧。

(C) 恐怕我們沒有時間去玩那個。

(D) 抱歉,正在施工中。

【解析】ride on the roller coaster 搭雲霄飛車     Ferris wheel 摩天輪

go alone 獨自前往                                 let’s …(表祈使語氣)讓我們……

merry-go-round 旋轉木馬                      under construction 施工中;建構中


( A ) 19. Manager: _______________

Kelly: Pretty much, sir, but I am wondering if there is a dress code.

Manager: Yes, the company wants all the employees to look their best and represent the company well.

(A) Is everything clear so far?                   (B) The dress looks great on you.

(C) Do you have any questions?                (D) Welcome to the Sales Department.




(A) 到目前為止一切都清楚嗎?         (B) 妳穿這件洋裝很好看。

(C) 妳有任何問題嗎?                         (D) 歡迎蒞臨業務部門。

【解析】dress code 服裝規定                              code 規則;慣例

look one’s best 看起來是某人的最佳(狀態等)

look + adj. 看起來……;顯得……     so far 到目前為止


( C ) 20. Roger: I am off to the post office.

Rich: Can you mail this airmail for me?

Roger: Sure. _______________

Rich: Yes, you can simply throw it into the mailbox.

(A) You can fax it to me.                          (B) Why don’t you mail it yourself?

(C) Have you stamped it?                         (D) I’m also going to the bank.





(A) 你可以傳真給我。                         (B) 你怎麼不自己去寄?

(C) 你有貼郵票嗎?                             (D) 我也要去銀行。

【解析】be off to + 地方 (暫時)離開某地而前往……

airmail 航空郵件                                    throw … into … 將……投入……

mailbox 郵筒                                          stamp 貼郵票(印花)於……


( A ) 21. Mother: You look tired. Why don’t you go to bed earlier today?

Jimmy: I can’t. I have an English test tomorrow.

Mother: _______________

Jimmy: I haven’t finished reviewing yet. I don’t want to take any chances.

(A) Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.                (B) You should study earlier.

(C) How about a cup of coffee?                (D) Is that the only test tomorrow?





(A) 別擔心,你會考得好的。             (B) 你應該早一點唸的。

(C) 要不要喝杯咖啡?                         (D) 那是明天唯一的考試嗎?

解析go to bed 上床睡覺;就寢                    finish + V-ing/N 結束;完成……

take a chance 冒險;靠運氣                 Don’t worry. 別擔心。

How about + N/V-ing …? (表建議)……如何?


( D ) 22. Teacher: Peter, I think we need to talk.

Peter: Yes, Ma’am.

Teacher: _______________

Peter: I forgot to bring it to school.

(A) What’s wrong with you?

(B) Are you feeling alright?

(C) You didn’t come to class yesterday.

(D) You didn’t turn in your assignment today.





(A) 你怎麼了?                                     (B) 你還好嗎?

(C) 你昨天沒有來上課。                     (D) 你今天沒有交作業。

【解析】ma’am (學生對女教師的尊稱)老師;師長

forget + to V 忘記去做……àforget + V-ing 忘記做過……

turn in 提交;遞出                                 assignment 作業;功課


( C ) 23. Jim: Are we going to have a vacation this summer?

Molly: Where do you like to go?

Jim: _______________

Molly: Sounds great!

(A) I have no idea. What do you think?

(B) It seems that weather will be good.

(C) Let’s go somewhere near the beach.

(D) It depends on how much money we have.





(A) 我不知道,妳覺得呢?

(B) 看來天氣會不錯。

(C) 我們去靠海的地方吧。

(D) 要看我們有多少錢囉。

解析What do you think? 你認為(覺得)呢?(表詢問對方意見)

It seems/seemed + that S + V ……似乎;好像

It depends on … 視……而定


( B ) 24. Helen: Do you want me to bring you something for lunch?

Nancy: _______________

Helen: No problem, whatever you ask for.

(A) No bother. I am not hungry at all.

(B) A hamburger, small coffee, and an apple pie.

(C) Where are you going to eat?

(D) Are you going alone or with friends?




(A) 不用麻煩了,我一點也不餓。

(B) 一個漢堡、小杯咖啡和一個蘋果派。

(C) 妳要去哪裡吃?

(D) 妳要自己去還是和朋友去?

【解析】something for + N (表目的)……的東西

whatever S + V = no matter what S + V 不論什麼……

No bother.【口】不用麻煩了。           not … at all 一點也不……


( B ) 25. Milly: I have a reservation for two at 6:30.

Host: _______________

Milly: It’s Milly Chang.

Host: Thank you. Please follow me.

(A) Where are you from?                          (B) May I have your name?

(C) Can you wait for a minute?                 (D) May I take your order?





(A) 您從哪裡來?                                 (B) 可以告訴我您的名字嗎?

(C) 您能否稍待片刻?                         (D) 我能為您點餐嗎?

【解析】reservation (火車、旅館、餐廳等的)預約;預訂;訂位

                host 一般的意思為「(款待客人的)主人,東道主;(大會等的)主持人」,但在此對話中,指的是在餐廳門口迎接客人並帶領客人入座的領檯人員。

take one’s order (服務生)為……點餐



III. 綜合測驗:以下三篇短文,共有15個空格,為第2640題,每題有四個選項,請依各篇短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。




Opinions are strongly divided1 about the type of clothing which is appropriate2 for worship.3 According to some religious4 leaders, people who come to pray should wear clothing that shows respect and __26__ for their religion. They shouldn’t be wearing clothes that are for jogging, shopping, or attending5 a ball game. On the other hand, there are many religious4 leaders who don’t care about such __27__ issues. They believe that religion, __28__ is a spiritual6 matter, isn’t concerned7 with clothing. They welcome everyone who attends religious services.8 Most people think that the issue9 actually goes __29__ clothing. More formal clothing usually accompanies10 an atmosphere11 which is more traditional and __30__. Informal clothing, however, is more acceptable in religious services that are more contemporary12 and informal.




1. divide 分開;分歧                                     2. appropriate 適當的

3. worship 禮拜儀式                                      4. religious/religion 宗教的/宗教

5. attend 參加                                                 6. spiritual 精神的;心靈的

7. concerned 有關係的                                  8. servicespl.)儀式

9. issue 議題;爭論點                                 10. accompany 跟隨;與……同時發生

11. atmosphere 氣氛                                       12. contemporary 當今的


( B ) 26. (A) limitation            (B) admiration        (C) restriction            (D) comparison

【翻譯】(A) 限制                (B) 欽佩               (C) 約束                  (D) 比較

【解析】因連接詞 and 連接兩個對等的字詞,由其中一端的 respect(尊敬)推斷,與其對等的為 (B)


( D ) 27. (A) healthy              (B) diligent              (C) sincere                (D) material

【翻譯】(A) 健康的            (B) 勤勉的           (C) 真誠的              (D) 物質的

【解析】由下句的 spiritual matter(心靈層面的事情)判斷,應選擇與 spiritual 相對的material


( C ) 28. (A) who                  (B) what                 (C) which                  (D) why

【解析】本句的 that religion … with clothing 為名詞子句,作主要子句動詞 believe的受詞。在這整個受詞中,又隱含了一個非限定用法的形容詞子句(, which is … matter),補充說明先行詞 religion(宗教)。因「宗教」為「事物」,故應使用 which 當形容詞子句的主詞。


( A ) 29. (A) beyond              (B) along                (C) against                 (D) between

【解析】go beyond … 表「超越……的範圍」。


( C ) 30. (A) playful               (B) naughty             (C) serious                (D) casual

【翻譯】(A) 好玩的            (B) 頑皮的           (C) 嚴肅的              (D) 非正式的

【解析】與 26 題相同,and 連接兩個對稱的字詞,與 traditional(傳統的)對等的就是 (C)





Vincent Willem van Gogh (30 March, 1853 – 29 July, 1890 ) was a Dutch Post1-Impressionist2 painter whose work had a far-reaching3 influence on 20th century art. Little __31__ during his lifetime, his fame grew in the years after his death. Today, he is widely regarded as4 one of history’s greatest painters and an important __32__ to the foundations5 of modern art. Van Gogh did not begin painting __33__ his late twenties, and most of his best-known works were produced6 during his final two years. He produced more than 2,000 artworks,7 __34__ of around 900 paintings and 1,100 drawings and sketches.8 He was little known during his lifetime; however, his work was a strong influence on the Modernist9 art __35__, and today many of his pieces — including his numerous self portraits,10 landscapes,11 portraits and sunflowers — are among the world’s most recognizable12 and expensive works of art.




1. post- 後;下一個                                      2. Impressionist 印象主義派的

3. far-reaching 遠大的;深遠的                    4. be regarded as … 被視為……

5. foundation 基礎                                          6. produce 生產;創作

7. artwork 藝術品                                          8. sketch 素描

9. Modernist 現代主義的;現代派的         10. portrait 人物畫

11. landscape 風景(畫)                             12. recognizable 認得的;可辨別的


( C ) 31. (A) appreciate         (B) appreciates       (C) appreciated         (D) appreciating

【解析】在分詞片語或分詞構句中,過去分詞表示被動,故應選 (C),幾乎沒有「受到高度評價」。


( B ) 32. (A) generator           (B) contributor        (C) distributor            (D) tractor

【翻譯】(A) 發電機            (B) 貢獻者           (C) 經銷商              (D) 牽引車


( A ) 33. (A) until                   (B) with                  (C) than                     (D) rather

【解析】句型 not … until … 要譯為「直到……才……」。


( D ) 34. (A) covering            (B) containing         (C) composing           (D) consisting

【解析】(A) 指「涵蓋」,(B) 指「包含」,這兩個動詞都可做及物用,不需介系詞。(C) (D) 都指「由……所構成」,和受詞之間都需要以介系詞 of 連接,但 (C) 錯誤,因為須以過去分詞 composed of 表示。


( A ) 35. (A) that followed     (B) be followed      (C) follows                (D) followed

【解析】follow 指「緊跟在後」,本句已有動詞了(即 was),再出現動詞時,須以不同的形態出現,故(B)(C)(D)都不可能,而 (A) 為正解是因為 that followed 為形容詞子句,界定先行詞 the Modernist art





The tiger may be more ancient1 and distinct2 than we thought. Tigers are less closely related3 to lions, leopards4 and jaguars5 __36__ these other big cats are to each other, according to a new study. The genetic6 analysis7 also reveals that the tiger began evolving8 3.2 million years ago, and its closest living __37__ is the equally endangered9 snow leopard. __38__ the popularity10 and endangered status of tigers, much remains to be discovered about them, including how they evolved. It has long been known that the five species11 of big cat — the tiger, lion, leopard, jaguar and snow leopard — and the two species of clouded leopard are more closely related to each other than to other smaller cats. But it has been difficult to pin __39__ the exact relationships12 between them. So to find out more, scientists __40__ an analysis of the DNA of all these species.


老虎有可能比我們想的更古老而獨特。根據一項新的研究結果,老虎與獅子、花豹及美洲豹之間的親屬關係,沒有其他這三種大型貓科動物之間來得密切。基因分析也顯示,老虎自三百二十萬年前開始演化,現存關係最密切的動物是同樣瀕臨絕種的雪豹。儘管老虎討人喜歡又處於瀕臨絕種的困境,但還有許多關於牠們的事有待探索,包括演進的過程。長久以來我們都知道,老虎、獅子、花豹、美洲豹和雪豹這五種大貓以及兩種雲豹彼此之間的關係,比跟其他小型貓科動物密切,但是牠們之間確切的關係卻一直很難弄得清楚。因此科學家針對這些物種的 DNA 進行分析,以便能有更多的發現。


1. ancient 遠古的;遠代的                            2. distinct 獨特的

3. related 親戚的;有關係的                        4. leopard 花豹

5. jaguar 美洲豹                                             6. genetic 基因的

7. analysis 分析                                               8. evolve 進化

9. endangered 瀕臨絕種的                           10. popularity 受歡迎

11. species(動植物的)種                           12. relationship 關係


( A ) 36. (A) than                   (B) while                (C) before                 (D) since

【解析】修飾 closely related 一詞的是 less,指「較少,更少」,為副詞比較級,故知在比較級的用法中須接 thanless adj. than + O 表「比……更不……的」。


( D ) 37. (A) demand             (B) battery              (C) method                (D) relative

【翻譯】(A) 需求                (B) 電池               (C) 方法                  (D) 親屬


( B ) 38. (A) Both                  (B) Despite             (C) Without               (D) From

【翻譯】(A) 兩者                (B) 儘管               (C) 沒有                  (D) 從……

【解析】從本句的 popularity(受歡迎)和 much remains to be discovered(許多仍待探索)兩個關鍵處分析,一般「受歡迎」者的相關資訊應該多為人所知,但在此並非如此,故知應選 (B),表示讓步。


( C ) 39. (A) to                      (B) on                    (C) down                  (D) under

【解析】pin down 徹底查明


( A ) 40. (A) conducted         (B) mistreated         (C) ridiculed              (D) neglected

【翻譯】(A) 進行                (B) 虐待               (C) 嘲笑                  (D) 忽略



IV. 閱讀測驗:以下有三篇短文,共有10個題目,為第4150題,請於閱讀短文後,選出最適當的答案。




One summer afternoon when I went to visit grandmother, she was busy with her pottery.1 She was sitting on the floor on her green shawl,2 with her property3 all around her. In her hand was a small bowl,4 which she was polishing.5

I sat beside grandmother to watch her smooth6 and polish the pottery. To smooth out the rough7 edges, she used a pad8 used for cleaning pots. Then dampening9 the pottery, she rubbed it with a small, smooth stone until it shone.

Her hands at times10 would move swiftly11 and then slow down. While working, she sometimes hummed12 a song to herself. As I was sitting beside grandmother, she didn’t even glance13 at me for a long time because she was concerning on her pottery.

After completing the pottery, she glanced up at me over her eyeglasses and asked, “When did you come?” I said, “I came a long time ago.” Then we both laughed and sat there on the floor chatting14 for a few minutes.







1. pottery 陶器                                               2. shawl 披肩

3. property 財產,所有物                             4. bowl

5. polish 磨光                                                 6. smooth 使平滑

7. rough 粗糙不平的                                      8. pad 菜瓜布;軟墊

9. dampen 弄溼                                            10. at times 有時;偶爾

11. swiftly 快速地                                           12. hum 哼唱

13. glance 瞥一眼                                           14. chat 聊天


( D ) 41. What was the grandmother doing when the author visited her?

(A) She was rubbing a shawl.                 (B) She was writing a song.

(C) She was washing her eyeglasses.      (D) She was polishing her pottery.


(A) 她正在搓揉一條披肩。              (B) 她正在寫一首歌。

(C) 她正在洗眼鏡。                          (D) 她正在幫陶器拋光。

【解析】第一段提到作者去拜訪祖母時,祖母正坐在地板上忙著她的陶器 (pottery),綠色披肩是披在她身上,並不是她在揉搓綠色披肩,故 (A) 錯;最後一句提到她正在 polishing,故答案 (D) 為正確。而 song eyeglasses 都沒有出現在第一段,故 (B)(C) 錯。


( A ) 42. What would the grandmother do while she was working?

(A) She sometimes hummed a song.       (B) She always laughed loudly.

(C) She waved her hand all the time.      (D) She chatted most of the time.


(A) 她有時會哼歌。                          (B) 她總是笑得很大聲。

(C) 她一直在揮手。                          (D) 她大部分時間都在聊天。

【解析】四個答案只有 (A) 哼歌跟 (D) 聊天有在文章中出現,但根據最後一段,聊天 (chatting) 是當祖母完成陶器後,才跟作者坐在地板上聊天,故錯;而根據第三段第二句 (While working, she sometimes hummed a song to herself.) 可得知祖母在工作時有時會哼歌給自己聽,故 (A) 為正確答案。


( D ) 43. Why did the author and the grandmother laugh?

(A) The grandmother made beautiful pottery.

(B) They both loved singing a song to themselves.

(C) The author brought the grandmother some pottery.

(D) The grandmother didn’t notice the author was there.


(A) 祖母製作了美麗的陶器。

(B) 他們兩人都喜歡唱歌給自己聽。

(C) 作者帶了一些陶器給祖母。

(D) 祖母沒有注意到作者在那裡。

【解析最後一段提到祖母與作者兩人都笑了起來,最主要是因為祖母問作者何時來的,而作者回答他來了很久,表示祖母很專心,都沒有注意到作者坐在她身旁很久了,故正確答案為 (D)(C) 文中沒提到,(B) 只有祖母喜歡哼歌,並未提到作者也喜歡,(A) 則是跟兩人的笑沒有關係。





Cacao beans1 (from which chocolate is made) were brought to Spain from Central America in the 16th century. The Indians of Central America had been making hot chocolate drinks for many years. They made their hot chocolate with water, not milk, and it was dark brown, spicy2 and bitter.3 At first, the Spanish people were not impressed with4 this strange drink. However, someone came up with5 the idea of adding sugar. As a result, drinking hot chocolate became popular in Spain, and quickly spread6 to England, France, Italy and beyond.

Because cacao beans had to be shipped7 such a long distance, chocolate was an expensive drink and only the rich could afford8 it. The ordinary9 people generally drank beer, cheap wine or water. They probably wondered how this special chocolate drink tasted. As drinking chocolate became popular, chocolate houses grew up in England. Rich men spent hours in them, drinking chocolate while they played cards for money, read the newspapers and shared the latest gossip.10 Rich ladies did not generally go to the chocolate houses, but enjoyed their hot chocolate at home, usually for breakfast.





1. cacao bean 可可豆                                     2. spicy 辣的

3. bitter 苦的                                                  4. be impressed with 對……印象深刻

5. come up with 提出,想到                          6. spread 散播

7. ship 運輸,海運                                        8. afford 買得起

9. ordinary 一般的                                        10. gossip 八卦


( C ) 44. What is the best title for this passage?

(A) What Did Rich People Do in Europe?

(B) Why Did People Drink Hot Chocolate?

(C) Where Did Hot Chocolate Come from?

(D) How Did the Indians Grow Cacao Beans?


(A) 歐洲的有錢人都做什麼?

(B) 人為什麼要喝熱巧克力?

(C) 熱巧克力是從何而來?

(D) 印第安人是如何種植可可豆的?

【解析】整篇文章都在提熱巧克力是如何在西班牙開始落地生根,然後擴展到全歐洲去的故事,故最適合的標題應該是 (C)。有錢人是在第二段才提到,故 (A) 並未涵蓋整篇文章。而文中並未提及印第安人的種植方法,故 (D) 錯。喝熱巧克力的原因也沒有在文中提及,故 (B) 錯。


( D ) 45. What did the Spanish people like to add to their hot chocolate?

(A) Butter.               (B) Eggs.                (C) Wine.                  (D) Sugar.


(A) 奶油。            (B) 蛋。               (C) 葡萄酒。          (D) 糖。

【解析】根據第一段倒數第二句,提到有人想到在裡面加糖的主意 (However, someone came up with the idea of adding sugar.),結果才使熱巧克力在西班牙紅了起來,一路流行到歐洲各國。故答案為 (D)


( B ) 46. According to the passage, why was chocolate so expensive?

(A) Because growing cacao beans took a lot of time.

(B) Because shipping cacao beans cost a lot of money.

(C) Because drinking chocolate was affordable for everyone.

(D) Because going to chocolate houses became popular in Europe.


(A) 因為種植可可豆需要花很多時間。

(B) 因為運送可可豆要花很多錢。

(C) 因為人人都喝得起巧克力。

(D) 因為去巧克力館在歐洲變得很流行。

解析】第二段一開頭就指出,因為運送可可豆的距離太長,導致運費昂貴,所以喝熱巧克力變成是富貴人家的玩意兒 (Because cacao beans had to be shipped such a long distance, chocolate was an expensive drink and only the rich could afford it.),因為只有他們才喝得起,故答案為 (B)


( A ) 47. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

(A) Only the wealthy could afford hot chocolate.

(B) Rich ladies enjoyed their hot chocolate in cafés.

(C) Sometimes beer was added to the hot chocolate.

(D) Chocolate houses became popular all over Europe.


(A) 只有有錢人才喝得起熱巧克力。

(B) 有錢的女士在咖啡廳裡喝熱巧克力。

(C) 有時候會在熱巧克力裡面加啤酒。

(D) 巧克力館變得在全歐洲很流行。

【解析根據第二段第一句,(A) 正確。最後一句說到有錢的女士不上巧克力館,而是在家中享用熱巧克力 (Rich ladies did not generally go to the chocolate houses .…),故 (B) 錯。文中只說會在巧克力裡面加糖,故 (C) 錯。文中只提到英國有很多巧克力館冒出來 (As drinking chocolate became popular, chocolate houses grew up in England.),並未說全歐洲都是如此,故答案 (D) 錯。





Last year, when Daniel decided to buy a bicycle, it was a serious matter to him. He intended1 to buy a good one, but knew that it would be expensive. After looking at different types of bicycles in many bike shops, he decided to buy a mountain bike. However, that was not all. He also had to get many accessories2 for it. Since he couldn’t afford to buy them all at once, he bought a helmet3 and gloves first. Then, he purchased4 tools, bags to hang on the bike, special bike shoes and light. After that, he found that all of the accessories were actually more expensive than the bike.

With this bike, he started to train himself to be a bike racer,5 which might take a lot of time and stamina. This was going to be a very difficult process and could be extremely6 exhausting7 at first. However, in order to be a competitive8 racer, it was necessary. He had to ride an average of 200 – 300 miles each week. In addition, he had to be very cautious9 about what he ate and drank. Whenever he ate or drank something unhealthy, such as candy or coffee, he was slowed down and his training was disrupted.10 What was even more challenging11 for Daniel was that he also had to work full-time to support12 himself.





1. intend 打算;意圖                                     2. accessory 配件

3. helmet 安全帽;頭盔                                4. purchase 購買

5. racer 賽車手                                              6. extremely 極度地

7. exhausting 令人精疲力竭的                       8. competitive 具有競爭力的

9. cautious 小心謹慎的                                10. disrupt 中斷

11. challenging 具挑戰性的                            12. support 養活


( B ) 48. According to the passage, what did Daniel buy first?

(A) A helmet and gloves.                       (B) A mountain bike.

(C) Bags to hang on the bike.                 (D) Bike shoes and light.


(A) 安全帽跟手套。                          (B) 登山用自行車。

(C) 掛在自行車上的袋子。              (D) 自行車專用鞋與照明燈。

【解析】根據第一段第三行(…. he decided to buy a mountain bike.)及第四行(However, that was not all.)來推斷,丹尼爾先買了登山用自行車,接著再考慮他要買哪些配件,故正確答案選 (B)


( C ) 49. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the word “stamina” in the second paragraph?

(A) muscle               (B) obstacle            (C) energy                 (D) breath

【翻譯下列何者與第二段的 stamina 一字意思最為接近?

(A) 肌肉                (B) 障礙               (C) 精力                  (D) 呼吸

【解析】理論上來說,要參加自行車比賽的訓練,最需要的就是時間與體力,不可能是需要很多肌肉、障礙或呼吸,這三個字套進去均不合理,因此答案 (C) 為正確答案。


( A ) 50. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

(A) Eating candy and drinking coffee was helpful to Daniel.

(B) Daniel received training and worked full-time at the same time.

(C) Daniel had to ride 200 to 300 miles each week.

(D) After buying a bike, Daniel trained himself to be a bike racer.


(A) 吃糖果跟喝咖啡對丹尼爾有益。

(B) 丹尼爾在接受訓練的同時還要從事全職工作。

(C) 丹尼爾每週必須騎二百到三百哩路。

(D) 在買了自行車後,丹尼爾訓練自己成為自行車比賽的選手。

【解析】第二段倒數第二句提到,丹尼爾如果吃了不健康的東西,例如糖果跟咖啡(something unhealthy, such as candy or coffee) 就會使他速度慢下來,故 (A) 敘述錯。倒數最後一句提到丹尼爾的自我訓練,最困難的就在於他還要從事全職工作 (work full-time),故 (B) 正確。第二段第四句提到丹尼爾每週要騎二百到三百哩路 (He had to ride an average of 200–300 miles each week.),故 (C) 敘述正確。根據第二段第一句,敘述 (D) 正確,故此題答案為 (A)




